No they merged her with Jeyne. But I suspect Sansa gets more ruthless in the books and gets some payback.
That's why I said he is taking the place of Aerys Oakheart, he's a dead man. In the books the Sandsnakes are pretty much going to do what they did in the show, but she (Myrcella) was guarded by Areys Oakheart. Arianne Martell who is Prince Doran's brother tries to crown Myrcella Queen of Westeros over Tommen, and the plot is foiled and Aerys dies and Gerold Dayne or Darkstar (Arthur Dayne's brother, Arthur was Kingsguard and killed by Howland Reed and Eddard Stark at the tower of joy when Lyanna spoke the words to Ned) injures Myrcella badly. But yeah, Bronn is on borrowed time.
Sansa is very much turning into Lady Stoneheart. It’s Sansa’s wedding day, and her servant Myranda arrives to draw her bath and give her “helpful” warnings about making sure she pleases Ramsay so that he doesn’t murder her with dogs. Sansa’s no fool anymore, and immediately sees the game being played. “I’m Sansa Stark of Winterfell,” she says, sounding more like Catelyn than she ever has before. “This is my home, and you can’t frighten me.”
She definitely has grown from the little girl who basically got her father killed to the woman that's able to detect when someone is playing her.
So @red55, you know what's coming in episode 9, we haven't seen Bowen Marsh, do you think it's the little kid Ollie that takes Marsh's place?
Poor Bronn all he wanted to do was have sex with his retarded wife, kill her sister, and retire to a life of luxury in his castle. On another note, I think they are playing up the fan theory that Syrio Forel and Jaqen are the same person. Something a few episodes back struck me. When he and Arya were talking about the gods he tells her something like "there is but one God, and you know his prayer." Which is what Syrio taught her.