They are setting up Cersei to be a bigger bitch that deserves a fall, as if they needed to. Ser Allister replaces Connington, The dwarf girl arc is gone, thank goodness. Sansa and Jeyne are definitely combined and perhaps Lady Stoneheart as well, although I suspect they might bring her into it at some point. Littlefinger is definitely getting more attention than he does in the books.
I think maybe Sansa and Brienne are taking the Stoneheart and Manderlay characters. I actually don't mind that. The only reason I really liked Stoneheart was because she killed Freys but if Sansa and Brienne are going to assume that role that's cool. I also thought from the flashbacks before the show started they just might add some Rickon stuff in there but no. But yes I agree on the girl dwarf and Cersei, Loras' new role is setting up Cersei and her fall will be awesome, I was hoping they would start that last night being its Mothers Day, that would have been ironic. At first I was upset with the changes to Sansa but they have actually made her character far more interesting than it is in the books. And I think Connington is being taken over by Jorah not Allister. The greyscale angle is interesting, it throws a walking dead angle into the mix.
Yep, Even I get characters confused. Martin has about 1,200 of them and keeps adding them in every chapter.
Speaking of which, Jorah got 'bit' last night, so isn't he pretty much done for? How long does it take for greyscale to set in?
It depends, sometimes it spreads rapidly, sometimes it takes time. Shireen Baratheon is the only known person to have gotten it and been cured, but Stannis brought in Maesters from all over the known world to try and treat her. Jorah looks like he is going try and keep it a secret, which will not only change his appearance but will rot his mind and drive him insane as well. Honestly I have no idea where this is going. In the books it's Jon Connington, Aegon, a Maester, a Hedge Knight, and a Septon in the boat with Tyrion when the stone men attack them and none of them come out with greyscale, so this is uncharted territory.
Connington gets the grayscale in the book. They left out five or six unneeded characters that confuse the audience and have to be paid.
You know what, you're right he does. I forgot about that, he does keep it secret so he can see to Aegon taking the throne and have the bells quit ringing when he closes his eyes. The bells being the ones in the battle of the bells where he is defeated by Robert Baratheon's army.
SPOILERS PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS POST IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SPOILED. Much better episode tonight. Looks like episode 7 is gonna be a lot better. Finally some fucking action next week. The closing scene of episode 6 was painful to watch. You start to feel for Theon. I'll give the show this, it does a great job of conveying Theon's need to feel wanted, all through his betrayal, and now he has to watch what he had to watch at the close of this episode. That was tough. None of this happens to Sansa in the books, but I see why it has in the show. I have a pretty good idea where this is going and how this season will end with the exception of Jamie in Dorne. I am also pretty sure Bronn is taking Aerys Oakheart's place. I really, really hope Sansa doesn't have a bun in the oven after that.
It hasn't happened to Sansa in the books yet. The screenwriters have been given an outline of the last books in case Martin dies. Sansa has been too sweet, thoughtless, and naive for five books. You have to figure that Martin will have her turn ruthless, scheming, and calculating. She's about to get mean. I wouldn't go to sleep around her if I were Ramsey Snow . . . or Littlefinger for that matter.
I would bet Sansa and Bolton never even cross paths in the books. I bet we get to see Arya kill Ser Meryn in episode 10 though. That doesn't happen in the books but somehow Ser Meryn has made it to Arya's kill list. That will make me happy. That's a good change.