True...Maybe the season preview had him in the arena as a protector of the queen and just made it look like he was sent to fight for his life.
What about Loras, anyone know why the writers are doing their little cute correlation with religion and homosexuality?
Tonight's episode sucked. You only get 10 episodes a season, there's no reason any of them should suck.
What problems? Just more merging of characters to keep the narrative from becoming even more confusing than it was in the book.
I didn't mind the merging, I think Ollie is going to take Bowen Marsh's place in the Ides of Marsh, which will prob happen in episode 9. it was just boring to me. I liked the last part with Tyrion and some of the Sansa and Brienne stuff was cool, but overall I just thought it was boring, I wasn't at the edge of my seat like I usually am. Do you see Bronn's arc merging with Aerys Oakheart from the books?
Barristan is still alive and well, his arc ties in with what happens to Dany at the end of this season so I won't give it away but he is alive in the books. Loras is injured badly, he is also on the Kingsguard, and travels to either Dragonstone or Storms End to conquer it for the Lannisters. To me that would have been far more interesting than locking him up because he is a butt pirate but I guess they are setting up what happens to another main character in Kings Landing.