This was during Robert's rebellion, the show starts 9 years after the Greyjoy rebellion so the tower of joy isn't in the show. But you should watch the cartoon extras to get an idea of what happened before the show starts. You can find them on YouTube. I'll find em and post em. The whole Jon is really Lyanna's child is really just a theory but I'm almost certain it's true. Ned never told Catelyn because Lyanna made him promise, and when Ned makes a promise he doesn't go back on it. Plus if word got out Robert would want Jon dead. Ned wanted Tywin Lannister arrested for killing Rhaegar's children, and Robert wouldn't do it, it drove a wedge between Ned and Robert and they only reconciled because of Lyanna's death. But remember how Ned was so adamant about not killing Dany?
His flaw, like Ned's, was not seeing the danger in front of him. I don't mean weakness in the sense that a person is lacking strength. I am talking about something that is in all of us. We have strengths and we have weakness. I can engineer a manufacturing process but I can't sell it for shit. Jon saw the big picture. He fought and killed a White Walker. He knew what they were up against. He did not convince the Nights Watch that what he did was necessary and he didn't see that his crew hated him for bringing the Wildlings over and that is what got him killed. The flaw. The Game.
@fanatic Start with this one. Then this one Then this one Then this one All of this gives you a nice visual on the great houses, banner men and Robert's rebellion.
They can starve out the besieged Castle. They already controls the city and he surrounding land that produces he food,
@fanatic let me know what you think of the videos. It's all very interesting. Martin also came out with a book called The World of Ice and Fire which is basically a history book.
Finally watched the finale last night and sad to see Jon Snow gone. Agree with some of the comments that it's tough having so many beloved characters suffer tragic deaths. What happened to the dark haired son of Robert Baratheon that was put on a boat a couple of seasons ago? Will he come back or was that written out of the show?
He's still rowing apparently. I venture he will take the place of (f)Aegon, either that or Stoneheart and lead the Brotherhood without banners.
Looks like they may be casting for Sir Arthur Dayne...