I don't know what to say. Burning Shireen was idiotic. In the books Stannis talks about how if he died Shireen is to take the throne. So, let's burn my daughter at the stake because it's cold and we only have horse meat? What the hell man that was ridiculous. The Drogon part was bad ass though.
Fuck you book readers. Now you are getting spoilers for what you are going to read in the future. It is about time us TV watchers get a break from spoilers.
The thread says spoilers homes. And what happened to Shireen in that context is logistically impossible in the books at this point. Shireen is at castle black.
Writers confirmed it with Martin. He plans to burn her at the stake. Most likely for power to fight the white walkers. Writers thought this would be a good time to do it in the HBO adaptation.
I don't get the Shireen burning. It flies against Stannis' character as seen so far, but none of Martins characters are black and white. They are setting Stannis up for something. His men clearly didn't like it and the Onion Knight is going to be livid when he returns from the wild goose chase he was sent on. Kings don't act like this. Stannis will never sit on the Iron Throne. Stannis burned the baby that Gilly brought from the wild in the book, but Martin has hinted that Shireen will get the same treatment because Melissadre needed royal blood. It's another merging of two characters to speed up the TV series. They were making Shireen so likable that we should have suspected this. Martin allows no character to be classically heroic, defeat all enemies and life happily ever after. I was expecting another high-profile death but I thought Sir Jorah would meet his fate in the arena against the dragon. There is no way he wants to become a stone man. I thought Daenerys was pretty thoughtless to abandon her loyalists and fly away on Drogon. And did I see her touch Sir Jorah? Does she have grayscale now? And she was holding hands with Missande, too . . .
I'm not sure it flies against Stannis' character, the guy had his brother murdered through magic. He had some Florents I think his sister's brother burned alive. He really showed his true colors in the show. Now book Stannis, I think Shireen will burn but remember she isn't with Stannis so maybe Melisandre does this on her own. It was excruciating to watch and I knew it was coming from about episode 3 of this season. So with greyscale i think it's only contagious from a person who is a full on stone man or comes from someone where it has advanced further. He did touch Dany but he touched her with his other arm. I liked the scene but like you said, the show didn't do a great job of explaining why she flew away. In the books it explains it. She has always known that at some point she would have to fly on one of her Dragons and she sees Drogon as being in peril, so she flies him away from further danger.
He has been enchanted by a belief in religious magic for sure, but Stannis has always been about justice and responsibility. His brother tried to usurp his rightful place in the succession and they were at war. His justice cost Sir Davos 3 fingers. He had a heartfelt talk with Shireen about parental responsibility.