This season has felt like exactly what it is... a stall... until fat boy gets off his ass and finishes the next book.
SPOILERS I think we are still going to see something evil. I've kind of felt that this season Shireen Baratheon would get burned alive. Melisandre actually wants that to happen, Stannis said no, but in the books she is left at the Wall while Stannis marches south. The writers have already shown 2 rape scenes that are fabricated, would they dare burn a child alive, even though it doesn't happen that way? And speaking of the new book a few chapters have already been written, 1 involves Arya. In this season you'll notice Raff the Sweetling has been omitted from Arya's list, he is supposed to go to Braavos, and Arya dressed like a whore lures him into a trap where she kills him. Well who is traveling to Braavos from King's Landing? Mace Tyrell and Ser Meyen Traunt. Meryn is on Arya's list. In episode 10 we will see Arya kill Meryn where she would have killed Raff.
The reason Raff isn't on her list is because she already killed him. Sort of. They pretty much merged Raff and Polliver. She killed Polliver at the inn in season 4. She mirrored Lommy's death and stuck needle right in his throat. I would love to see that cunt Meryn Trant die though. Seriously. Fuck that guy.
Mereen has basically turned into Gladiator. Kings Landing arc is so frustrating and nonsensical because to me. In addition to cutting the city off from gold, food, and supplies, as she's already threatened to do, Lady Tyrell would also send her troops into the city to kill the Sparrows and release Majory and Loras. I also believe Tommen would do the same thing; especially now that they have both is mother and his queen.
Tommen is supposed to be a small child, so they have to go out of their way to make it look like he is a big pussy and not capable of ruling. I wonder how true they are going to stay to Cersei's arc, they have been pretty true thus far, and the whole Dorne thing has been a complete waste with the exception of Tyene's tits and Bronn. I wonder if Tyene gets him to join the Sand Snakes, being he is a sell sword and all and only loyal to himself, and tries to kill Jamie but ends up getting killed by Aero Hotah because Prince Doran doesn't want to start a war. That axe has to kill someone.
Tommen is an immature boy that cannot exercise his power. Neither he nor the Tyrells can invade Kings Landing and throttle the religious kooks without seeing Margery and Loras' heads on pikes.
Book Spoilers Below!!!!! You know this Jon Snow with Tormund back through the wall and to Hardhome makes me wonder if "for the watch" is going to happen at the hands of the nights watch or Tormund. You noticed Ghost was left behind so if it is Tormund that's a huge fan theory killer. You think the show has enough time in 3 episodes to get to Hardhome and back to the wall?
Wow, what an episode. That was good. That's one of the times I would agree the show trumped the books. The battle at Hardhome was unbelievable.