A lot of people are pissed about that scene, I guess because it deviates so much from the book. But, what did they think was going to happen when she was forced to marry a psychopath? Tyrion he ain't. And can that really be construed as 'rape'? In real life it is because she complied out of fear, but as far as the show goes, he is her husband and in those days, there's no such thing as rape between a man and wife. Plus, she knew it was going to happen, and she didn't fight it. Hope we don't have to wait too long to see her finally get her revenge, but the powers that be will probably lord it over us until next season, since they're only 4 episodes left.
The producers wanted a realistic rape scene with screams, brutality, and a shocked witness. They had been under much criticism for fours years for making many rapes seem like no big deal, just part of warfare and an element in the game of thrones.
To be honest it was kind of tame as far as rape scenes go. Anyone ever see the reboot of The Hills Have Eyes? That's a brutal rape scene.
The rape scene (for me) was more about all of the other things she will have to endure. After the graphic torture they detailed with Theon, I find myself wondering exactly what sort of treatment Sansa will face. Likely much worse than the rape scene.
The Meereen arc has been garbage. Khaleesi is a poor leader and knows nothing of Westeros or the people she leads. She can't even govern Meereen or control the dragons. She needs Jorah and Tyrion badly and will probably end up with Varys as well. What the hell has happened to Bran? Ramsey Bolton is piling up a lot of enemies, he had better worry about himself. Sansa is a highborn Stark with a motive, Reek is a highborn Greyjoy with a motive, Littlefinger is everybody's enemy, and Roose Bolton's legitimate son is in danger from Ramsey. Not to mention Winterfell is about to be marched on by Stannis.
I really like the season so far. I can see why book readers are suffering and the reason I didn't start the books. It was announced before the season that Bran's role was out for this season. Likely returning next season.
Bran is caught up, but I guess that hasn't stopped the writers from making shit up. The whole Dorne story has been garbage to me, except for Tyene's tits and anything to do with Bronn. The Mereen story I agree is shit, the Sansa arc is ok, but too much about the North has been cut out. The Wall stuff is ok, the Kings Landing stuff is ok, except for the change to Loras. Season 1 was amazing, 2 was good, 3 was ok, 4 was eh... And 5 has just been terrible in my opinion.