i don't disagree with that, i just don't think that its a travesty on the level of slavery, or segregation, to be honest, i don't really think its a travesty at all, but then again i have never been affected by it.
Guess what it always has and always will in every culture since the beginning of time, so what. Some racist is going to say something that hurts your feelings, boo hoo. Stop letting the fact that racists exist in every culture in every part of the world dominate your life. Stop using it as a crutch to say you need protection because the whole world is out to get you. Allowing race to be the main issue in your life is a win for the racists. I don't care what color you are, the sooner you feel the same the better off you will be.
Perpetuating inferiority is worst than the benefits they thought it would have. Thats what Affirmative Action did.
exactly. perfectly stated. if people dont like you, screw em. if you are in a place where you are a minority, expect that you will be treated like one, it is human nature, deal with it. if you dont like it, go somewhere where your kind are the majority. one point i like to repeat is that i always notice that every minority group does better than blacks. immigrants from everywhere come to america and do fine. even recent african immigrants that are black, they seem to whine less. we have created a cultre of excuses for american blacks. we white love to play into their stupid whining: oh, offended, oh no! lets pretend we give a damn! white folks are a guilty and stupid lot.
It must be personally deflating trying to stay relevant on a internet message board... although very entertaining.
as i have said before, people love to be guilty. religion, the environment whatever. people are desperate to be guilty about something. white people use black people as an outlet for their guilt, to the great detriment of blacks. white liberals in particular who lack religion, they are bursting at the seams with the guilt of being human. so they encourage the political correctness and and apologies that tell black folks they are inferior and cant deal with the world. it punishes blacks terribly, but who cares? white people need to use black folks as an outlet for their guilt.
No, Affirmative Action isn't like slavery and it isn't like Jim Crow, not by a long shot. But Racism Light is still racism. And Affirmative Action ain't the level playing field that the Civil Rights pioneers called for. The time has come for it to go away like the rest of the legalized racial discrimination. We have enough lingering issues with personal racism for this one to keep causing friction.
affirmative action is not like jim crow, but it is still terribly damaging to black folks. self-indulgent whites use affirmative action as a way to manage their own conscience, with little regard for the actual damage it does to black folks.
Typical martin stereotype. I feel zero guilt for slavery. The slave owners and slaves are all dead. I neither owned slaves nor descended from slave-owners. I feel zero guilt for Jim Crow. The legal discriminators and the legally discriminated against are all elderly now. The federal and many state governments have apologized for Jim Crow laws and instituted Affirmative Action to help offset their being set back because of it, which seems just and fair. Only nobody expected AA to still be going on into a third generation. The only guilt I feel about racism is for that racism that I am responsible for, which is low enough that I can sleep at night, no problem. I compensate for that by supporting black small businessmen. My painter, plumber, appliance repair guy, and several of my favorite eateries are black-owned businesses. In fact I don't feel much guilt about anything. I'm a goddamn Eagle Scout and I do unto others etcetera, etcetera.