I don't know, but something my gut tells me that the white race will be ok. I mean i don't recall affirmative action ever smacking white people around with bull whips and chains, or hanging them in the woods.
You don't recall that happening to any black folks either unless you're 200 years old. My ancestors were kicked out of Nova Scotia generations ago. Maybe I should move to Canada, demand a great job even though I didn't earn it, a free government check and march in the streets regularly proclaiming to the world how I was wronged. How many more hundreds of years before the past actually becomes the past? Sooner or later black people are going to have to put down the crutch and walk on their own. Many have and I congratulate them. Many haven't and will not as long as the free ride exists. You can't move forward if you are still living in the past. Slavery and other racial injustices were wrong period, no way around it. However injustices of the past shouldn't totally dictate someones future or the future of the many generations that have followed since. If you want to live in a color blind society you need to put the crutch down and walk away from it.
Beg to differ on your timeline. You can have any opinion you would like on what you think black people should do. But lets at least get the timeline right and my comment was sarcastically hoping you weren't equating affirmative action with Jim Crow and other racial and violent policies of this country, when they existed.
OK forget my inaccurate time line for a second, how many bull whippings and hangings have you witnessed in you life time? The point is at some point in time you must move on. When will that be, another 100 years? 200 maybe? How many more generations until the black community stops living in the past? How can whites become color blind if every thing in the black community is about color? The reaction by blacks and Google is a perfect example of why race will always be an issue, because the black community is hell bent on making sure it always is. Keep living in the past and just forget progress it won't happen until the mindset of the black community changes.
I have no problem with your opinion, some of it is right on. However, tell that to James Byrd (the guy who got dragged behind a truck in texas, this decade) or better yet my grandfather or uncle who got hit with water hoses and chased by dogs. Its a little different when it effects you or someone else directly through family members or seeing it in the media. You cant discount that effect on the a person's psyche. Thats all Im saying. Some use it as motivation, some use it as a crutch. I tend to use it as motivation. But you still cant discount someone's feelings if they have directly or indirectly experienced it. Its kinda insulting to tell someone to get over something they actually have experienced first or second hand. But I understand your feelings I get tired of some of the excuses black people use at times myself.
And I still dislike Canadians, but it doesn't dominate my life or my outlook on life. I'm in no way trying to be insensitive, but what does it take to move forward? Think about it for a second, how is a white person going to be color blind in dealing with blacks when the whole world has gone color crazy. Everything you do, say or write in dealing with blacks is looked at from a racial view. Whites have to be highly aware of everything they do or say and how it could be perceived when dealing with someone of another race even if they have absolutely no racial bias or it could have severe negative ramifications. I have several super smart, hard working wonderful black people that I work with. We go out and have a beer, they have been to my house, we go out and eat together with our families. Yet I am always aware that I must be careful of what I say as not to offend anyone even if it is accidental. Why is that? Why do I have to be on pins and needles when around them? When they start talking about black issues I have to politely excuse myself and be sure not to give an opinion because it may be seen as insensitive which could effect my job security. Why can't I be open and honest with my friends and neighbors. We have hit a brick wall in progress dealing with race. I see no way to make progress in this over sensitive hyper politically correct environment that exists today. Looks like we are stuck on stupid when it comes to race issues and will be for a while.
You are right it sucks, but history dictates that like it dictates everything else, its like gay marriage, its opposed because of history. If racism never existed no matter what side of history your race is on, you wouldn't have to walk on egg shells, I think thats my point. You know the reason why, because racism exist. But I have a great idea for you, when those conversations come up, you can participate by saying hey guys, you know what it sucked big time, but dont let racism run your life now and dictate your success in the future. I guarantee you would have another friend or gain the persons utmost respect. If i didnt know you and you said that to me in a discussion, id hang onto your every word because of the wisdom you displayed to me.. But I agree with alot of your feelings, but its ways of telling people to move past it and by just saying that was 200 years ago isnt one of them.
Dude, just as many white people are trying to get a free ride off of the working taxpayer. I do recall, a guy by the name of James Byrd getting drug behind a truck in Jasper TX in 1998 because he was black, the south was still segregated until the 1950's, so your 200 year theory is way off. Is affirmative action dumb now, yeah probably, but dude, don't act like racism doesn't exist, and that discrimination doesn't exist, because its a living and breathing thing still in the south. BTW i am not trying to be sanctimonious or pick a fight or anything, just disagree.
telling people to "get over it" is the exact solution. besides, if some **** happened to your grandfather or whatever that doesnt count for you, you dont get to act like a victim. victim status doesnt transmit through DNA. you live right now, your life, not the life of some dude who happened to pass down his genes to you. you dont see chinamen coming to america and saying, "i cant succeeed because of the rape of nanking". you dont see many jews saying "we are not taking care of our kids because we are crying about the holocaust." fact: you get over the history of your tribe (which is of course arbitrary anyway), or you are a coward. everyone will think you are inferior.