I remember this one time, people cared about things that actually mattered. Anyone who is offended at that picture needs both a sense of humor and 4 or 5 more coats of skin.
somehow i dont think there are many blacks that will ever not be offended at comparing a black person to a non human primate---and a particularly admired one at that. and i thought al macguire and jimmy the greek got a raw deal.
I don't really care whether or not they get offended at it. So someone photoshopped a picture. If you don't like it, don't look at it. Use Bing, or Yahoo, or MSN, or make your own search engine so you can discriminate on what material your searches return. Crying about it is not the solution. I'm sure there are plenty of things that are just as offensive to white people on the internet and even more that people have created and not put on the internet. I'm not going to whine until they stop creating these things. I'm going to not care about what other people say/do because it doesn't freaking matter.
if you mean they will always be more offended than a white person, then racism will always continue. when races present themselves as weak and unable to deal with taunting, we believe them, we agree that they are weak and inferior. when people are confident and do not give a damn, we treat them as equals. i make fun of everyone, including my friends. if i know people that get offended easily, i wont make fun of them as much, but i also will think of them as emotional and inferior idiots, and i will wonder why they lack confidence. perhaps they are stupid.
you undervalue the effect of human psychology. i must admit, though, that when i read "deal with taunting" that i immediately thought of the guy in the castle "taunting" king arthur in MPatHG :grin: "No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time-uh. "
i dunno what you mean about psychology. the point here is the double standard. if google results for bush brought up a hillbilly inbred retard photoshop of bush, nobody would care, and google would not apologize. this is because white folks are awesome and confident about racism, they cant be bothered. black folks and white folks are cowards about racism against blacks. so when we whites stop pretending like we care, and enabling the victim mentality, that will help everyone out a lot. unless blacks actually are inferior and closer to monkeys, in which case i understand why they are sensitive about it.
there is no recent history of widespread institutional and cultural discrimination of whites in this country. i think it is wise to keep ideas about racial inferiority socially unacceptable.
translation, blacks are unable to get over it. if that is true then i truly do think they are inferior.