Bush deserves a LOT of credit for his work on Social Security. Unlike virtually every other politician alive, he has actually come forward and set in process his own plan. Whether you agree with his plan or disagree with it, the man deserves credit of tackling this touchy and critical issue!
Ahhhhh, but, there's the rub. The Dems will never give Bush credit for anything. They know Social Security is doomed to bankruptcy and they know something needs to be done about it but they'll be damned if they'll do anything that might place Bush in a positive light. Just like Sadaam. That evil, murderous bastard needed to be taken down and everyone knows it. But the Dems just stroll past the graveyard whistling the tune to "He never did anything to us".
Bush is the President. It's his friggin' job to tackle these issues. And he is not doing too well. Bush is overreaching on Social Security and the public just ain't buying it. His privitization "cure" will cost 3 trillion more dollars than leaving it alone. This guy keeps raising costs while cutting income as if nobody will ever have to pay for anything. After the policy disaster of Iraq, Bush's credibility is really, really low. Bill O'Reilly will never believe him again, nor will I, or the 49% of the country who didn't vote for him last year. And that number is growing.
But...it will wipe out 10 trillion in IOUs that have been building up since congress started borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.
Good then we found a thief. And according to some of your right wing Bibles the thief has to repay. So get the money from the thiefs retirement accounts. I would be foolish toexpect SS to support my style of living when I retire so i invest on my own. However I do not like the fact that the money I put into this plan just disappears from my that robbery. And for all the people that think otherwise why don't you send in a letter and refuse to take your share of the SS beni's. Probably won't happen right.
Bush's plan is an ineffectual fraud, just like the current system. Plain and simple. My family is being robbed every two weeks to make up for these most foolish and irresponsible dumbasses that rely on a government hand out.
Social Security is the biggest fraud program known to man. It's one thing to take my money and hold it for me until I retire, but it's criminal to take my money and give it to someone else ... then tell me there might not be any money for me when I retire. People who do this in the private sector go to jail...
Wow, we agree on something, It may stop there though! If it was up to me Social Security and the Welfare system would go away. If Social Security is the biggest fraud known to man where does that leave the welfare system? I'm tired of lazy people who do nothing but sit at home and collect checks from our tax dollars. Its simple, like before welfare. You either make a living or you have to expect hand outs from your local church or other charity organizations. This would make a lot of lazy people go to work.