Trev was eating crow Saturday night by having to back off of his "Georgia is the best team in the SEC" season-long comments. Then, he said "LSU is THE dominant defense in the country." Now, the a$$ thinks his stock goes up if he takes up USC's fight. Anyone else in favor of calling USC, the Al Gores? Or, better yet, can we start calling them the Hanging Chads? How long will it be before the Hanging Chads figure out that we'd have leaped them in the BCS and the KSU/OU game did nothing to prevent them from going to the Sugar Bowl. THEIR weak conference did that for them.
This is the guy who, if you ever heard his opinion on the controversy about who should be #2 at the time, was a a firm believer in the fact that "the BCS is the system that we have in place right now, and until something changes, we have to abide by its rules". Yeah that, or if the cry baby USC team finds out that the PAC-10 blows the hard way.
All bias aside, Trev has a pretty good base football knowledge. He works for ESPN and makes pretty good money doing so. What makes him a BAD commentator, is refusing to own up when he says something assinine. The really GOOD commentators say, "Well, I guess I was wrong about that one. Maybe it'll go this way now." Not ole Trev. Just take out your foot from the last time and open it wider in preparation for the next serving. JackAss.