Made the ACTS retreat Jan 2015 and am current on my 5th team for the January retreat. Love ACTS!! I guess this means you are an ACTS brother?
thanks, but I wanted dachsie's take on it, I should have specified that. I don't think she likes me so much,.. I'm trying to cozy up to her, so she can see how wonderful I am.
GDF - Why would you think I don't like you? That is absolutely not true. I try to like everyone, I don't always succeed but you certainly are not one. ACTS really helped me as a person. I don't have much family left - I just lost the last of my family in Louisiana in August so thankfully I have a community of friends that I have met through ACTS that have helped me through. I also have grown in my relationship with God. It was probably a life saver for me.
You'd be shocked if you knew how I really am IRL compared to how I post for shock value here. I give rides home to minority kids who are suspended from their bus- plus a trip through McDonalds for something they never have- ice cream. Now stop ruining my reputation and let's get back to me being an ass.
just teasing sorry about your hardships,.. I'm happy for you now though, I think a spiritual base is very important.