Now that I know his true colors I'd say no. But what is important is the fact that the have forces us to buy instead of catch and that is wrong.
Uh, id you're selling, you were commercial too, law-breaking hypocrite lol Well with 30 lbs a day how much would YOU need? Always cheaper to buy than catch. Always. Fish, never. Game, hey, when you're young and dumb. Didn't do it often though. Once I may have walked out the woods with 13 squirrels and could've kilt several more. May have shot woodies a little after sunset but that's when they came in. Lucky for me there was a game warden at our camp who was my baseball coach and whose son was my age. I can still hear his voice, yelling from the camp, "Y'ALL STOP SHOOTING GOT DAMMIT! For a long long time now, I'm very mindful of the laws. Important to me to set example for my kids.
You are just being obtuse now, the resources belong to us. End of story. It matters not that you are not understanding or believing.
It's enough for a guy who fishes out there every day. But if you get one or two opportunities a year to fish offshore, you miss the days when you could fill up a ice chest with fillets and eat snapper out of the freezer for months.
I understand that. I know you're late to this but my question was posed to a guy who fishes PLENTY of days. His answer was that I was a regulator. Mutt and Jeff just jumped in to bust my balls. Truth be told, shane can't catch a fish in a fish bowl.
What I do with MY fish is MY business. I used my knowledge of the whereabouts of an in demand at the time species to make a living during the time I was unemployed. Better than depending on Uncle Sam or standing on a street corner with a cardboard sign Sounds like sour grapes. Losing the argument so disparage the arguer. I have no idea of shane's proficiency as a paragon of piscatorial prowess but that has nothing to do with the argument. Let me explain it in a way that might penetrate your pointed little head: If you own a pond the fish in it are yours. Not mine, not shane's, not Bad Bad Leroy Browns. Yours. If the fish are in a public body of water such as a lake, river, gulf or ocean they are my fish. They are also your fish and everybody elses fish. I have no problem with the government making regulations and setting limits if that is what is necessary to manage the resource or protect and endangered species. Due to Paul Prudhomme's popularization of blackened redfish the species which had peviously been more than abundant became threatened by huge commecial fishing fleets harvesting entire schools of redfish and diminishing the breeding stock. Now the redfish are abundant again and the limit of 5 per day should be increased to something reasonable. Red snapper have never, ever been in danger of extinction. @jvalhenson was right about everything he said. The recreational limits are artificial and have no reflection on the actual responsible management of the species and the limits should be raised and the seasons greatly extended. If jval wants to keep more than 2 10 pounders who are we to say he is wrong doing it. Apparently he feeds a lot of people with the fish and game he catches and shoots. When @red55 quit there was a lot of gnarling and gnashing of teeth lamenting his departure but really, all he ever did was argue with everybody about everything. None of us wanted to live the life of red. On the other hand a lot of us here appreciate the tales of jval's sportiing life and wish we could live the life he does. You should drive over to Mississippi and find him and apologize profusely and beg him to keep posting
Wrong. There are laws for those who choose to sell fish. They're called commercial fishermen. In your case you'd be called a poacher. That's cause YOU don't own the fish- like I said. Losing? Who said I lost? You and shane? pfft. Correct. That's why there are different regs on private lakes. Thanks for proving my point further. Cept he couldn't answer the one question that perpetuated this: How many 10-15 lbers a day does he need? He and I actually agreed on not agreeing with the government owning the game. See my frogging example if you need validation. The forum would be better served if I drove over to BR and begged you to stop posting corny jokes. Now don't forget to take your meds before you go to sleep.
Yes I do own the fish that swim in public bodies of water governed by maritime law. You and shane and jval and every other taxpayer also own those fish. Have you ever sold a gun? Do you have a federal firearms license? You have no point. You and you alone own the fish in waters that are owned by you because those waters are in total surrounded by the land that you own. If a river runs through your land or if your land borders on a river, lake. gulf or ocean those bodies of water are governed by maritime law and the fish within them belong to all citizens. If you choose to fill your totally owned pond with dirt that's your business but if you try something like building a dam to alter the flow of a river that only a portion thereof touches your land you will be in trouble with the law. You cannot legally block public access to waters owned by the public. You can prevent anybody from crossing your land to fish from the bank on your land but if somebody in a boat wants to cast up against the bank on your side of the river they have every right to do so.
Exactly MY POINT. There are different regulations for private ponds. For one, you don't even need a license. NOW, what you're saying is not true for frogs. There is a season and it does not matter if it's YOU'R pond, etc. That's what I spoke of/against earlier. I think we SHOULD be able to harvest frogs in a crawfish lake because WE CREATE the habitat. If we DIDN'T flood it there would be no frogs. I don't know what all this has to do with anything. There IS one person you CANNOT stop from going onto your land though, the State, as in Mr. Green Jeans. He can check on HIS game on anyone's land. He can go in your fucking house and check your freezer too. Think about how much authority THAT IS.