you have a point. one thing i have learned through this whole thing is that a coach's word is worth about as much as a pile of ****.
Spurrier would do anything to win. Its onyl a 250,000 buyout and LSU would give him a mil.- mil and a half more than he is making at USC and we would actually win.
Thanks for the kind words, you guys would be getting a quality coach for once. btw, Dolphins will still suck, GO BILLS!!!! :lol:
Dear Agua, Life long Tiger fan here. I just wanted to say that if you guys lose Ricky Williams, I have no doubt you guys will get a high quality running back. Your program has reached national prominence and you will have your pick of the litter. I think you've reached the point of a New England Patriots type program and it's a matter of reloading. Anyway, best of luck to you, however this turns out.
I don't want any former SEC coach. Saban was perfect. Came from the depths of obscurity and into the national spotlight. It'd be cool if could do the same for another coach, should Saban leave.
No, but I've been listening to the game on Miami internet radio all night and have heard nothing concerning the comment in the thread you're concerned about.