I talked to 58 head coaches, 99 coordinators, and 134 scouts today. They were all in complete agreement. Nick isn't going anywhere.
I didn't say "A" beer, he'll I've never had "a" beer in my life. I said "beer" which I think in the right context is also plural. @red55 knows everything let's ask him Well hell yeah, love a good coaster. This one is sort of like that space mountain deal where you can't see what is coming next.
Beer is singular. Beerz is plural. (you have to pronounce it like a Bearz Superfan) In context, "beer" connotes no quantity at all.
Nobody else would leave Bama, but Nick has always had happy feet. He lives and breathes football, but cares very little about fanboys, traditions, or state politics and seems increasingly uncomfortable with the deification of Nick amongst Bamafans. If I had Nick's money I would just retire when I've had enough. But Nick . . . he will likely find a new challenge when that day comes. Texas would have been perfect for him. But the idea of resurrecting the Big Ten . . . that could get a workaholic excited. If Michigan or Ohio State ever pony up the cash, Nick might be tempted.