Speaking of Hitler, wish someone would do one of those videos with Hitler on the Les Miles firing/unfiring!
I checked out the other site a couple of times since he left and he has not joined that parade of Les Miles lovers. Talk about some kumbaya going on over there.
I really hope that this board doesn't devolve into a Miles-haters club, though. Diversity is the key. @red55, I miss you, and it isn't the same without your Good, Bad, and Ugly threads.
Tiger Stadium was a great atmosphere Saturday night, so there's a good for you. The fans actually showed appreciation for a coach, instead of cussing him all game--so there's that.
He is a well liked coach and folks wanted to send him off right. Don't expect the same next year if the sagging performances continue. There was serious dissension in the ranks this year, and the moment Miles hits adversity it will be back stronger than ever. Basketball ain't helping, and I wonder if baseball will underachieve as well. F-King Alexander don't give a flying F-K, but don't take sports away from us, we're last in everything else. How bad do I have it when the current situation is making me question why I moved back to Louisiana?
Unless Miles does a miraculous 180 and delivers an offense that isn't from the stone age, I would expect the anti-Miles rhetoric to continue. However that doesn't mean that everyone can't support the team and continue to discuss football.