Red will complain about it afterwards and take joy if the venture runs into adversity or fails. *He'll* be the nega, the groo if you will.
There is no fire, no swagger. Our coach used to have it and it filtered down to the rest of the team. No mas....
That is what I see. The fire when he went for 5 forth downs, fake field goals and said ***k Bama in a press conference. I don't think he's scared by 2008 I think his hubris is that he is bound to win if the team plays it safe and out talents the other team. As I said in an earlier post there are too many old men on his staff. No fire and as Les used to say WANT.
I think that's exactly it, there is no desire to be great. Just a desire to stay employed, so you play ultra conservative, dumb down the offense, do the shit that beats scrubs by a few TD's against everyone, stay around 75 percent and call it a year. Buddy Songy said it best, LSU fans have tasted the filet mingnon, they don't want to go back to eating spam.
He'll be the last hold out. Just to make a point. He sees the same things wrong as everyone else. This weekly thread of his proves it.