Good works are fruit of salvation and should be directed by Jesus moving rather than by man attempting to earn redemption. This is what Paul spoke of when he referred to his previous Jewish good works as being "filthy rags". James wants believers to show him that they are saved by showing exactly how they are walking in Spirit according to His purpose. I have learned that the streets of New York are not a place where one should go to find intellectuals. No, I'm saying that many whom confess don't actually believe and aren't truly born again.
I think that would indicate the personal relationship I have with him. But maybe not. You may want to get the plank out of your eye as well.
even i think you went to far on that one. i did laugh, but i feel bad. ive heard it explained that while god is all-powerful, he cannot change his nature, so everything is not possible. many also say that the sacrifice wasnt the death, but the fact that god became man. seems you are forgetting about original sin. it doesnt really have to do with what youve done.