ok, i am glad we are past that and you understand. back to what we were discussing. the nietzsche quote "Faith means not wanting to know what is true." - Nietzsche he means that when we cant accept the reality of things, the fact that there are lots of unknowns, we resort to faith. we dont want to accept truth. "Faith is believing something you know ain't true." - Mark Twain "The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." - Benjamin Franklin
This is not even the stupidest topic on the first page of this forum. The beauty of science is that it doesn't require faith; It in itself delivers proof or it's declared a theory until it's proven.
Thank you for proving my entire point of this debate. Some keep asking for scientific proof of God and religion, when science has yet to prove otherwise. It has only developed theories. Theories that I do believe to have credibility, but still theories none the less.
it isnt just god and religion that require evidence. everything requires it. or else we would just go around believing random things. eveyrone requires evidence to believe virtually everything. excpe treligion, for that they put their critical thinking aside and let the nonsense flow right in. this is my only real point, all these hundreds of posts: we should treat religion like everything alse, not some sacred thing that is beyond question and mocking. everyone is a complete coward when it comes to religion. ordinarly if someone thinks something stupid, everyone hammers him, calls him ignorant, wonders why he is so stupid. but not religion, we wouldnt dare be critical of that. oh no we cant call a man an idiot if he believes in that. and we go really far, we even are specific with which ghosts we are allowed to taunt. believe in little green poltergeists? you are an idiot. believe in a holy magic carpenter dude, you are wonderful and we can all hold hands. we could never criticize something so special and personal as the currently popular myths. that is the lie. if you are a christian, you are 100% equivalent to every other cultist or lunatic myth-follower in history. when you see the bumpkin on tv talking about alien abduction, and you laugh, that is you you are laughing at.
There is plenty of evidence of God, all around you. The problem is you let you personal lack of evidence cloud your vision. Just open your eyes.
If this is the point you've been trying to prove, you suck at proving points even more than you suck at sarcasm.
I must, or you're the only one intelligent enough to be able to finally get it after having posted it at least 10 times between 2 threads.