You continually ask for scientific evidence of things, yet you ignore it when it is placed before you. Just because something can be done doesn't mean it is supposed to be. And here is the perfect case where science says one thing, but reality proves another. Much like God. Science continually puts in question the evidence of God, but that doesn't mean it isn't so.
You are hinging your belief on God based on a person you don't know referencing a source you don't know about why bees are not suppose to fly? HAHA Anywho I will entertain your "logic" above. We didn't know the Earth was round until we found it out. Nor did we know the Earth wasn't the center but the Sun was until we found it out. Explaining those things as evidence of God, and then smashed into pieces at a later time makes your argument hold no water.
I find it comical how some of you on the otherside of the fence on this topic keep putting words in our mouths who are on the side of believing in God. Find for me where I said the bible and the findings of religion are to be taken literally. Find for me where I claimed science was wrong. In fact I believe the theories of science to have some credibility. But, like you, who put your faith in science because of it's findings, I put my faith in God because of faith in religious findings. Just like religion can't prove to you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, science can't prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt. Thats why they call them scientific theories and not scientific law.
Science and religion are not mutually exclusive. The problems come when someone attempts to use science to validate their faith, or worse to use faith to attempt to disprove science. Conversely one cannot use science to prove or disprove the faith of any individual, or worse use repudiation of faith to validate their science. Faith cannot be used to prove or disprove science. Nor can science be used to prove or disprove faith.
Nietzsche is narrow-minded. Faith can mean accepting that there are truths as yet unknown. martin has faith that some miracle invention will come along and save us from reverting to the 17th century when the oil runs out. Such a miracle device does not exist. Yet martin has faith.
I don't agree that knowing there will be future truths or facts is an issue of faith. That is just another truth in itself. Martin doesn't have faith, he has hope.
While we are on the religious topic I thought it might be interesting to bring this up: Jaycee Dugard kidnap suspect says a 'disgusting thing' took place - San Jose Mercury News The man kidnapped a girl. 18 years later she comes out of hiding from tents in the man's backyard. She also had 2 kids by this creep which were never let out of the house. Yet he is spreading the word of GOD. I wonder if he will be forgiven.... From the article: "It's a disgusting thing that took place with me at the beginning,'' he told the TV station. "But I turned my life completely around and to be able to understand that, you have to start there." Garrido, who was arrested along with his wife Nancy, said his business, God's Desire, has "kept me busy the last several years.'' "And you're going to find the most powerful story coming from the witness, the victim -- you wait,'' he told the station. "If you take this a step at a time, you're going to fall over backwards and in the end, you're going to find the most powerful heart-warming story."
Faith has a clear connotation of confidence. In that case, martin definitely has faith. faith 1. confidence or trust in a person or thing 2. belief that is not based on proof 3. belief in anything hope 1. the feeling that what is wanted can be had 2. to believe, desire, or trust