my question to you is this. if the muslim claims god told him to kill, regardless of whether he does it or not, is he telling the truth? is he lying to himself about god talking to him? how do you know he isnt right? maybe god did tell him to kill, right? i am not asking if you care, because if he doesnt kill anyone is not really a huge issue relative to what it could have been. my question is do you think he is right about what god wants and how do you know?
and furthermore, the acts of terrorists against infidels are quite well justified, even by the bible. god himself destroyed sodom and gomorrah, because they were filled with sinners. god rained down hellfire and brimstone, because there were adulterers there. the christian god is a huge fan of killing people for being sinners and infidels. and new york is packed with sinners and infidels, myself included. do i not deserve a terrorist bombing? WWGD? he would kill us. have terrorists really perverted the verses of the holy books? of course not.
i dont care if hes right either way. I only care if he acts (negatively) on it. same with any other excuse like depression or listening to suicide solution or any other bullshiit people blame it on. i dont care (until) therefore its completely irrelevant to me. your question is pretty ridiculous the more i think about it. i suppose its to paint me in a corner. its like me asking if you really believe blue is sabanfan's favorite color. Or that I have the ability to know.
i didnt ask if you care, i asked if he is right or wrong and how you know. is he deluding himself, or did god talk to him? is it possible for people to delude themselves so completely, so commonly? is it possible that god actually sometimes wants destruction? obviously. you would answer if you didnt already see where it was leading.
i dont know. i already answered this. its possible you can convince yourself of anything. the same way you convinced yourself the possibility of god is almost nonexistent while most everyone else is insane. i already said theres no way for me to know much like the color example i gave. you may not have asked if i cared but its somewhat relevant to my opinion on the matter.
if you have no way to know if god hasnt commanded islamists to kill, then how can you be critical of them? how can they be expected not to act on the wishes of god? do you expect them to ignore the will of god? the very same god that knows what is best for the world far better than you or me? this is the exact attitude that is dangerous. we dig ourselves a logical hole when we refuse to acknowledge the stupidity of superstition. when pressed, we are aware that religions are no different from one another. so out of fear of critiques of faith in general we refuse to cast judgment. and this encourages more and more folks to indoctrinate their kids with lies, perpetuating the cycle.
my source is bees. they fly. i dont care who your source is. bees can fly. they dont violate anything. do you know how logic works? if you tell me a bee violates some rule and cant fly, then we both watch him fly around, the rule is wrong. if at some point some idiot had an understanding of aerodynamics or whatever that demonstrated that a bee cannot fly, then that guy was wrong. why do we care what he says again? it should be noted that a bee behaviorist is in no way an expert in aerodynamics.
That they can fly has little to do with how aerodynamic they are. Their bodies (that is to say their thorax, abdomen, etc.) are not built for flying. They must expert a disproportionate amount of thrust with their wings to keep themselves in the air. I really hope your being sarcastic, though and I'm just not reading it...
not sarcastic. "disproportionate amount of thrust"? disproportionate relative to what? seems perfectly proportionate to me, because they fly just fine. bees fly. the end. no other point is worth talking about. there was a stupid myth that said they violated some rules. thats the end of it. this is the stupidest topic ever.