Who knew you were a fundamentalist! I think that Jesus is something like the model for all of us to live our lives by. I believe we are all the children of God and Jesus seemed to have more of "God" in him than most anyone else. I do believe that God "loves" the world and Jesus was sent to Earth (as we all are). I believe God is everything, so the distinction between God and Jesus is a human distinction in the same way as I am distinguished from you. I believe that Jesus embraced God fully and that he allowed himself to be killed because he trusted that what ever would happen is God's will. It's like a poem, martin, and it is translated at that. It is not scientific proof and it was not what convinced me that faith in God was not a waste of time. But I think it is beautiful and potent and relevent. I am simply confused why you embrace science at the expense of all other human experience and scoff at those who do not. Science is not life, science tries to explain life. We are able to think in the abstract and our imagination is not bounded by the proovable, thank God.
think of something you dont beleive, if there is anything. ask yourself why you dont believe in it. then you should be able to understand.
I don't believe in blindly accepting things and I am frustrated by those that do. On the other hand, I don't believe in dismissing the experiences and beliefs of others and I am frustrated by those that do. You are an entertaining character, that is why you are so well loved here, but I wish you would take things more seriously sometimes. But hell, I know I'm too serious and much less interesting and combating that is a goal of mine. I have not lost my ability for critical thought, I appreciate rationality, but I know there is more to life than rationality. I believe undoing the psychological constructs each of us has created to deal with mortality and the irrationality of life is one of the fundamental goals we have as humans, whether spiritual or not.
I don't know if I can agree with this. I object when people tell me that there is historical and scientific evidence of some religious phenomenon and there simply isn't. But absence of evidence does not constitute evidence of absence.
this whole thread is you calling me arrogant for agreeing with that, then encouraging me to open my mind to gobbletygook. what other sort of evidence is there? (i am counting "historical" evidence as scientific evidence because it is based on observation/reality.) obviously. which is why, for the zillionth time, i should mention that i have never heard of any atheist that claims to be certain god does not exist. there simply isnt evidence for any sort of certain beliefs, positive or negative, about god.
i want to reiterate my response to this. what are you are doing is here is basically saying "which sort of magic have you decided explains X" and then when i say i dont agree with magic as a concept, you act like i am afraid to commit to a position because you could mock it. like if you asked "is the northen lights unicorn farts or is it alien fireworks", and i say i dont believe either of those things and i dont really know at all what it is. my position would be the only rational one (pretend for the sake of argument we dont know what the northern lights is). keep in mind that the athiest is the only person not presuming to know things he cant possibly know.
what do you mean? if i interview a scientist and he says he has a theory about the composition of a star from doing analysis of the light emitted from that star, that is "testimony" about reality, or observation, which i am gonna classify as "scientific" evidence. do you mean like when lsu-i-like claims he connected with jesus by meditating? that counts in your book? if that counts as evidence, then we have evidence for just about anything, which means we have nothing.
Against the teachings of that religion. Lives have been lost because of human ignorance and intolerance, not because of religion (for the most part). Most religions don't want people to kill, particularly modern day religions. There are perversions of religion, which is where the issue comes in.