It is your belief that Christianity doesn't want you to ask questions or find your own way. Because you have some preconceived notion that the big evil Church is still what it was in the Dark Ages. Chrisitianity is based on the teachings of Jesus, but is supplemented by the thoughts of many others who were critical thinkers. I don't believe Christianity is opposed to critical thought - I do not accept your premise. I do not dismiss Jesus or Christianity, but why would believing in God kill my ability for critical thought? It is a weak argument for you to paint all Christians as sheep, but maybe that helps you equalize that chemical soup in your head so that you can sleep better.
are you a christian or not? yes or no. why are you still searching for answers, when christianity provides them? if you reject the answers that are provided by christianity, why are you so arrogant and dismissive?
That is a fair enough answer, smartly thought out. I would then ask, if the scientific evidence that raises questions to the validity of the claims made in the bible doesn't influence your beliefs, then why is it you keep asking for scientific evidence be used to prove Gods existance?
I do not accept the idea that upon becoming Christian your ability for critical thought is replaced by a zombie-like adherence to the critical thought of others who have come before you. You have to define what being Christian means before I can answer your pointed question. As I understand what being a Christian means, sure I'm a Christian.
I can understand martin's argument. He wants cold hard facts. What I can't understand or don't accept is the way martin looks down on religious folks. There is more to life than cold hard facts whether martin wants to accept that or not, and in fact science owes a lot to human imagination.
because "scientific" evidence is the only kind of evidence. i dont believe that the earth orbits the sun because a priest said it. i dont believe that the steelers won the superbowl last year because i saw it in a dream. i believe it because there were "scienitific" observations and measurements. withoiut some standard for how evidence is recorded and presented, i find myself in the position of believing everything. and then i cannot sort out the right from the wrong. without some sort of standard for evidence we might as well give up trying to understand anything.
So what you're saying is you won't committ to any thought beliefs, because it would expose the very weakness in your own belief system. Fine, I can go with not having any real structure to support your arguement.
yeah seriously. least confusing thing ever. who are you to not accept an idea? give it a chance! so arrogant. for our purposes, being a christian means that you believe john 3:16. you believe that god loved the world so much he sent his son to be sacrificed for our sins. you believe in christ. it would pretty arrogant of you to not accept the main premise of the bible.
yes. i wont hold a belief position that is weak and stupid and indefensible. i dont want to have a flawed belief system, because it would be flawed. crazy me, i wont defend views i dont have. A is in fact A.