God #1 Family #2

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex_B, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    100% nonsense. you apparently arent even into chriatianity, but instead some new age gibberish. you continue to use words than mean nothing. of course i dont understand what meditation is, according to you. because i am not a goofball that thinks sitting quietly and concentrating on nothing is a magical experience. i get that people are desperate to lie to themselves, but you make it too easy.

    christianity is complete, why not go with that? why are you so arrogant as to not accept christianity?

    there were some words there, but i cant read them, too boring and meaningless.

    one time i flarbled a ploob with a gringle clarng. vinkle norbs are exturbulent.

    (i can also string together nonense sentences, totally unrelatable to reality.

    well, when someone claims to have knowledge i do not, like about why the universe is here or whatever, i ask why and how. they never have any evidence and their explanations are all random. there are a zillion explanations and every one i have heard so far just involves silly wizards and aliens that are beleived based on "faith".

    it is very simple why i do not have faith in god. there is no reason to believe. i know lots of things about thw universe. i know that gravity exists. i know that the sun exists. i know that the earth tends to orbit. there is a long list of things i know. but there are also things i dont know. i simply do not pretend to know things i do not. that is all.
  2. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    I don't think my idea of God would change unless they presented some very compelling new information. It wouldn't change my quest for peace and contentment.

    I think the Catholic church has said that they wouldn't find aliens to contradict their beliefs, and I imagine most religions would feel that way.

    To talk to your point, the beauty and perfect balance of Earth wouldn't change if there were a billion Earths. We wouldn't be alone, which would kill the idea that God is particular to the children of Earth, but I don't think it would damage the faith of most believers too terribly much.

    The bible is based on more than just a good story, but I don't think the path to enlightenment is exclusive to the teachings of Jesus. It is theoretically possible for each of us to find our way to enlightenment.

    I wouldn't necessarily disagree that religions have been used to the detriment of the world, but I don't think that means the core values of that religion are wrong, only that they aren't being followed.
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    this dude shaq is less frustrating to talk to, because he stands for something and gives reasons. he knows what he believes, and he gives evidence in the form of claims of personal revelation. that makes more sense. with him i only disagree about how he has interpreted the revelations. and if he is right, good for him. i simply havent had the revelations or miracles or whatever so i cant be expected to understand.

    of course i still wonder if his personal divine interventions were christian-specific, yunno, like how can he know that god's works in his life were performed by the god of the bible, the god that cares if you believe in jesus.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i dunno god in general just seems different in the new testament. maybe he didnt need to be so vengeful because people started acting better. it is almost as if the bible isnt magic but rather written by different folks with different values and agendas who changed the theme a bit.

    nah just kidding of course it is the word of god. the evidence strongly indicates that some middle eastern folks a long time ago claim that it is. and you can definitely trust those dudes. in fact, i would say that middle eastern folks from a couple thousand years ago are the most trustworthy people possible, and in fact not primitive idiots.
  5. shaqazoolu

    shaqazoolu Concentrated Awesome

    Sep 6, 2003
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    Technically I don't. There is no tangible proof. He is who I worship so He gets the credit. From a logical standpoint, I'm not really sure why another god would continue to bless me and lead me on thinking it was the works of my God. Then again, the Lord works in mysterious ways and I probably wouldn't understand anyway. :thumb:

    Christianity isn't something you can just give to someone. I can tell you why I believe the way I do. After that, it's not up to me to prove it to you...it's up to you to prove it to yourself.
  6. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    So you dismiss it because your ego won't allow you to even consider it. You are so wise martin, living the stoic life of a realist. Or a nihilistic life of debauchery. Or some mix. Are you interested in remedying the psychosis that psychology believes bungles us all up? Or do you not believe in that science? Are you content believing you are living a complete life without tending to psychological boo-boos? Sartre argued, and I agree, that we must come to grips with the true terrible nature of mortality (if we are going to live honestly).

    Christianity has a lot to offer, but I believe we each have to stay true to ourselves, which is something I think Jesus would agree with. I haven't been real convinced that Jesus wanted a lot of folks to worship him. I think he was supposed to be a model.

    I consider your words but you blow mine off. This is the way a conversation with you goes here.

    And when you are told that life is more than proofs and science, you chortle. What happened to the creative side of your mind?

    LEGACY TIGER Defy Yourself

    Mar 8, 2008
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    Seems you're doing the same thing you are accusing the religious posters of, avoiding the direct question. A simple yes or no would be fine.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    why are you living the arrogant life of someone who rejects Christianity?

    well dont you just know everything. so wise. are you not interested in the solutions that christianity offers?

    i ignore you the same way you ignore jesus. who do you think you are? jesus is lord. he is the way the truth and the life. he is the path to heaven. why dont you accept it? your quest could be over. there are answers in christianity, but you ignore them. why? i tell you about jesus, but you scoff and chortle. what happened to the side of your mind that accepts whatever?

    dont you think itis arrogant of you to dismiss jesus?
  9. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Legacy Tiger is right. I'm not claiming to know things I don't know, I'm claiming to remain open to the possibilities and bridge that with faith. It doesn't mean I don't want proof or that I don't ask questions. But I stand behind my point that imagination guides science.
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    understood. let me revisit your question.


    that isnt my belief system. i dont have a "belief system" about god. i dont need to justify a belief system i dont have. those scientific theories you mention have nothing to do with anything. they dont lead me to believe in god, or to doubt him.

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