I did not state or even imply that people need religion to j=kill eac h other by millions. I merely pointed out that they have. You can speculate if you wish, but you're ignoring the facts. I have a hard time getting behind any school of thought that has resulted in the deaths of millions simply because of different theological beliefs. I didn't ignore it. I chose not to acknowledge it because it's not relevant. No, you believe is justifying whatever is convenient to oneself into what's right and wrong within the confines of the space between one's ears. That's completely different and way more rational. :huh:
Why yes, this is the attitude I was talking about. Thank you for providing an example given such short notice. I'd say it is the feeling of a connection to a higher power. Life is good, but if it doesn't matter why bother to enjoy it? Why be nice to anyone? Who cares? There is a feeling of accomplishment and purer joy with less of a crash that comes with the ascension of your soul/state of mind. Getting drunk and partying is good and fun, but it gets old and sad at some point. Haven't you seen enough generic Hollywood films to realize that? Some hot chick will eventually see you for the over the hill loser that you are and you'll go home emptyhanded (or worse) with a bunch of dwi's to your name. In some way I see your argument for an atheist's zeal for life as an example of being closer to what I consider God than some Christians. But partying doesn't heal the hurts that come with life, a stronger sense of your true self does. In other words, you're full of sht online and everything you say online should be consumed with an understanding of that? You won't try to hard, I know. There are alternatives out there you don't want to consider. Your "scientific" mind is happy sniping religion while leaving a whole world of alternatives unexamined. I wouldn't really consider that scientific, reasonable, or even rational. It seems more like an attempt to inflate your internet ego. Let's say Christianity has been a net force for good. This is where many people may disagree, but I am somewhat of the belief that God may be a concept in a way similar to Santa. I've been thinking God is the concept goodness combined with the action of will. I'm not sure of any chemical reaction that can or ever will explain the will of a good deed done. I can decide whether to help that old lady across the street or not, it is not a chemical reaction. I can decide whether to forgo instant gratification for a deeper sense of contentment and that is not explained by a chemical reaction.
Humans are flawed. That isn't indicitive of a flaw in a religion. A religion can have high-minded goals and still be carried out by flawed individuals. Like martin said, it is quite likely that Christianity has done more good for the world than bad.
i ride the subway, i cant get dwi's. obviously. why dont you believe in poseidon? because it is stupid and made up? of course. now would you refuse to say the truth about posiedon because people would think you were just trying to inflate your ego? lk, all i can do is tell my opinon. and my opinion is that people who believe in superstition are acting like childish idiots. i cant help it. superstition is just dumb. dont blame me. what people need to understand is there is no difference between the god they happen to think is real, and the virtually infinite gods that are now on the scrapheap. is no more arrogant for me to belittle your beliefs than it is for you to belittle a UFO wacko or palm reader. yes, lets hold hands and and tell each other sweet sweet lies.
Well, drop that part then. :hihi: In some odd way that makes your posts more acceptable. I don't have a problem with the concept of Poseidon and am not so childish to believe that there isn't some validity to portions of the idea of Poseidon. In the end I believe all the given names erode and we are left with the concept of what was once given a name. Can you tell me what the chemistry of me deciding to do a good deed is? I can more or less agree with that. Anyway, I don't smack talk ufo wackos or palm readers. Some of em are pretty off, but I appreciate their inquisitive nature. No thanks - I'm not that well evolved yet.
l-i-l, you can't persuade those that aren't intellectually open to the principles of God. Also they would be better served saying that they believe the bible, kharan, or other religious works to be fictitious novels, rather than debate the chicken or the egg theory.
i already did. people who helped their community, their tribe, they had a better evolutionary chance than jerks that were shunned. so your brain rewards good deeds with seratonin or some other pleasure chemical neurotransmitter. you feel particularly good about helping your close relatives, because you and them share genetic material that you want to survive. you and i are descended from people that were helpful and cooperative. the selfish jerks were selected out. they were mean and no one helped them and a wooly mammoth bit off their leg and they died. or you could go with the "it is magic" explanation. if i told you i was certain that 2 plus 2 was 27, would you appreciate my inquisitive nature? at some point we need to tell people that are wrong the truth. what do you mean? thats exactly what they are. historical fiction, collaboratively written legends.
Now that explains your position to me. I don't agree, but I at least know why you are misguided in my mind. Now I would ask you to prove that theory.
dude, i am your internet character, not your college biology professor. your local librarian will be happy to direct you to book about evolution.
That's what I thought. One book in the bible misinterpreted by most does not prove the bible is fiction. End of debate, as I stated many posts ago the bible cannot be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to not bare facts.