the question is a good one. cant we accept that we are just randomly believing whatever happens to be popular at our time and place of birth? realizing that this was obviously true was led me to be atheist at age 12. why, for example, do you christians not beleive the book of mormon? 1 reason, you were not born mormon. to you th book of mormon is obviousyly a fraud. but how can you not see that your book is obviously a fraud? why the lack of perspective?
I'm pretty sure man figures out morality pretty easily in a society. Why would God have to "tell" us anyway?
without god we wouldnt know that we are angry when people steal our stuff or rape our women. god told us those things suck, so we made a set of morals and based our laws on those morals. before god, we didnt mind getting killed or being beaten up or whatever. god reminded us that we hated those things and the we shouldnt do them to others. before the bible, people used to treat each other terribly, but didnt make the connection that their treatment of others was coming back and hurting them. they simply thought chaos was awesome. god was like "hey, dudes, why not have these rules, i call em commandments, use these and life will be smoother." and god even snuck some funny ones in there, just for ****s and giggles. like keeping the sabbath holy, that one is just there to mess with us. dont kill, dont steal, dont **** your neighbors wife. chill out on sunday.
As I stated earlier, any speculaion of man being able to figure it out on his own is after the fact. It is documented in the bible that God is who spelled laws and morality out for man. Think what you will but that is how man documented it.
figure what out? is it really your contention that we didnt realize it hurts people's feelings when we steal and murder and that kinda thing? we see the frowns on their faces as we take their hard-earned things, but we have no idea that they are sad and perhaps we should have some rules against it? even a child knows when he has done wrong to another person. he sees the disgust on their face and feels guilty. only a psycho cant tell what is right and wrong on his own. we humans have evolved to know what makes each other happy, so as to create cooperative communities. try to think as if you were not brainwashed your whole life about christianity being something good. christianity is terrible lies and nonsense. it is ust a book, like dianetics or what ron hubbard writes, or the koran, or any number of other holy books. they are just books, bro. lets start thinking for ourselves.
As I have said several times, I don't believe in institutionalized religion. And just like all of the history we have ever learned, you can't go back and change it or unlearn it.
what? did you read what i said? you are treating me like a retarded vietnamese monkey. i am trying to make a point about why morals do not come from god, i guess i am doing a terrible job.
You are talking about crimes against the community which virtually everybody agrees with. Social morality. But religious morality also involves sins and heresies against the religion. That's greatly different an very little agreement exists. One mans sin is another man's graven image. One man's honest questions are another man's heresy.