God #1 Family #2

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex_B, Aug 17, 2009.


    LEGACY TIGER Defy Yourself

    Mar 8, 2008
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    Actually that is my belief. If you live a good life and believe in our/a creator, heaven is where you will spend eternity. I give God more credit than the boundries of institutionalized religion.
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    dangit i am still going to hell under this scenario. it is a bit creepy that god cares so much if you believe in him. if i were god i would let everyone in, and i would make all the bad folks good. i like to maximize happiness. but god should really be held to my standards.
  3. Tiger10

    Tiger10 Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2009
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    With out God families will fall a part, with families, society will be next.
  4. LSUTyga73

    LSUTyga73 Football Connoisseur

    Sep 22, 2004
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    Because he is a just and righteous God. He is The judge and cannot just forgive sins. Sin has a penalty of death and the wrath of God. And because God is just cannot just overlook crimes or else he wouldn't be a good judge at all.

    If a guy was guilty of double-murder, rape, and whatever else, no good judge would just overlook it and forgive out of mercy. God sent Jesus to take the punishment deserved for people like us. Many people don't understand that Jesus bore the wrath of God not the devil. That's what is known as atonement, which I'm sure you've heard of.

    What made Christ worthy of being a sacrifice? Well, He was the pure, spotless lamb who never sinned and righteousness was accounted him because of it. And at the cross, Jesus gave those who would believe that Righteousness and took the sin penalty of those who would believe. The great exchange for those who would turn from their sins and trust in Him. Also known as imputed righteousness. Many of this follows along with the old testament tabernacle laws as well. Hope that helps
    1 person likes this.

    LEGACY TIGER Defy Yourself

    Mar 8, 2008
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    Funny how some forget that our own laws are based on the word of God. Also, that even though they may not believe in God, their own moral standards are based on the word of God.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    that isnt funny because it isnt true.

    also not true.

    do you think for instance, that i would not be able to figure out that killing is bad without your magic book? i would walk around worrying about getting killed all the time, but never would it occur to me to ban killing? same thing with stealing and every other crime?

    that i would want to ban things that i would not want done to me is something so hard to figure out that nobody could ever figure it out?

    LEGACY TIGER Defy Yourself

    Mar 8, 2008
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    That is pure speculation, that man would have figured it out all on their own. What isn't speculation is it was the word of the bible (Gods word) before it became written law.
  8. LSUTyga73

    LSUTyga73 Football Connoisseur

    Sep 22, 2004
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    With that you assume morals come from common sense. All people have morals But not everyone has common sense :lol:
    Morals are much more, they lead people to go against the flow many times. As a society where morals are regressing that is definitely the case. When you have morals, you recognize situations that go against your morals and it kills you. I don't think it's not just something you "figure out" but rather it's something you just have inside of you, that you are born with.
  9. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    How do they know whether you are a Morman or not? Is there a secret Morman handshake like some fraternity? Do they use secret code phrases like in the spy movies? Could I get in if me and a buddy dressed in white shirts, ties and black slacks and rode bicycles there?

    By the way i love the new word you invented" Jesi
    I'll mention it to a friend who wants to be a standup ccomic. maybe he can work it into his act. If the Jesi were Hispanic would it be pronounced hayzi?
  10. downtown

    downtown Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    Yes, I did, but I was highly advanced inside the womb. I graduated from college when I was 3-years-old, so maybe I'm not the best one to ask. But seriously, now I think you're getting into implicit and explicit atheism. And frankly, that sort of tries to redefine what an atheist seems to be according to many sources. I believe those terms came about at the end of the 1970s.

    I know the best dictionary that I use defines the term atheist as one who denies the existance of god(s). I know a good number of the other dictionaries that I use have the same definition. So with that definition, I have to go with a "no" on babies being born atheists. Because to deny the existance of something, you have to at least be informed about the idea of it on the simplest level and not totally ignorant of it. It's more than having no belief of it because you've never been informed of it.

    Of course, that means the baby wouldn't be a believer of any sorts either. I would say the baby just "is"... So yeah, I could see if someone was going at it from the implicit atheism angle, but just as that terminology is defined, that would be weak atheism (and really a weak argument that's not really valid to me based on what most sources have always said an atheist is).

    Richard Dawkins apparently agrees. I know you could possibly disagree with him, but since you posted a link with his thoughts on it concerning the humility issue, I thought you might be on board with his general views:

    "Richard Dawkins does not provide such a strict definition of atheism, and the fact he opposes describing a child as 'Atheist' or 'Christian'[5] suggests that he views atheism as a conscious position and thus leans towards the dictionary definition of atheism as necessarily an active disbelief: Martin's 'positive atheism'."

    Personally, I'm starting to think that atheism might need some sort of agreed upon definition (by the majority of atheists) because you tend to get different answers in different places. It's a little hazy for me.

    Well, let's just say this, I've heard certain atheists talk who say that they feel certain that there isn't a god of any sort. I only brought that part up because you mentioned the possible inconvenience of probably burning in hell (joking or not). It's like I don't believe at all that opening up an umbrella indoors brings bad luck, so I don't care when I open up an umbrella before stepping outside (not that it is something I do a lot, but I'm just saying). I'm not trying to portray atheism in any way. Atheists do tend to act like they are certain that god doesn't exist in expressing their views just as believers act like they're certain in expressing their views. To say otherwise is not really being truthful to how people act.

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