I don't really care either, I care that they are a parasite to the NBA. If that blood flow was cut off it would die on its own like it should. I don't "hate" them, it's an inferior product that has no audience yet it still somehow appears on my TV where something worth watching should be. It just needs to go away You're right, I hate them
i read all of that,.. to me, it falls under the category of "big whup",.. it's not hurting me, or you, actually .. it's way down the list of things to be upset about,.. a far more important problem i have with women's basketball and women's sports in general, is their damn no bounce sports bras
lol,.. there's only like a million tv channels to choose from,.. and a gazillion things to stream on the web
so you dont disagree, you just imagine that i claimed this is hurting me while making sexist comments? i am simply pointing out lies and reality. its not me, its male athletes that it hurts, that for example, cannot have soccer at LSU for title XI, which is based on the premise that women want and deserve the same sports programs as men. they dont. women are far less interested in sports. we should not have systemic discrimination in federally funded universities.
It factors into salary caps I'm sure. Money spent on those hags could be money spent on making the men's team better
maybe so,.. but i don't care about the nba,.. i hated what that league turned into,.. and i've ignored it since 2000, the year Shaq led the lakers to an outrageous 4th quarter comeback vs the trailblazers in the 7th game of the western conference playoffs,.. but that's just me i guess