we could argue about that, but I don't wanta so what is the biggest problem?.. I see three,.. 1) increasing radicalism, 2) spurred on by a very tilted news media, 3) and a do nothing congress, their rules make it almost possible to pass individual bills, and the majority leaders set the schedules,.. so, good bills are often not scheduled for consideration for many years if ever,.. but only congress can change their rules, and they don't want to
congress has made their rules for almost 250 years, they've made themselves very comfortable, only an enormous public outcry would push them to change, and that's not gonna happen, cuz nearly all only focus on the President
I’m sorry dude .... that perspective does not pass the smell test. All that collusion crap is the type of things POLITICIANS do! Trump simply is not liked enough to be in that game. Hillary was the one colluding and everyone knows it, but it doesn’t matter because she is POLITICIAN ELITE! It’s the inside the beltway culture, and they all, including the media, saddle up, collude, and lie cheat and steal to maintain their power and riches, and to SCREW the public. As much as the Founders tried their damndest to creat a government immune to politicians and the free loader class of rich aristocrats, the swamp creatures are amazingly adept at adapting to overcome the challenges! Name any issue, and the Democrats are working for their own benefit. Immigration? ... is to i port votes so they can gain power and riches! All the Socialist Policies? ... are to increase the flow of cash into the feed trough so they can control it and enrich themselves. Pandemic? ... it’s all about demonizing Trump so they can win power and riches. RBG? ... it’s all about maintaining power in the SCOTUS so their activist can declare the Constitution ... unconstitutional! .... the Republicans are the stupid siblings along for the ride. Democrats point to them as “an opposition”, but they are just as much in the game as the Dimwits. Trump is the ONLY person in Washington who’s not on the team .... and they ALL hate him for it!
did you read the Republican led Senate's report?.. it points a damning finger at trump I know you guys want him to be the answer, I do too, but he's not,.. trump is part of the swamp so Trump broke his promise, let the tax loophole remain in his tax plan without discussion and has been pocketing money from that loophole himself ever since
Like I said, GOP are globalist too! Trump is like an atomic bomb. It’s terrible but has a singular use. It’s so bad you never want to see it again. However, we had to drop two!
I know you're in lub, so I don't want to keep insulting your girl and piss you off,.. just know, she's not faithful to you like you think, she's just a money grubbing lying whore