Gingrich at Republican Fundraiser Says Obama’s ‘Already Failed’

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    ahhh yes....the good 'ol days are back again...... :)
    2 people like this.
  2. LSUAthletics

    LSUAthletics Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    No I would not expect the fiscal policies to be the same. Red implied that since surpluses were posted at the end of the Clinton administration it could happen with another democrat. I thought it was a fair question to ask what similar deficit reducing policies are between them. I'm not just referring to the "stimulus" spending and the baillouts. The massive CBO deficit projections I posted were for the next decade and not all these future deficit projections can be blamed on the current economic conditions.

    Of course.

    I was actually referring to the huge CBO deficit projections and not the overall performance of the economy. I see absolutely no signs that Obama will curtail the deficits. Do you? I also don't see how the economy will ever flourish with these massive deficits. Are you confident Obama will get these deficits under control? If so, why? I'll give him 1 year to start showing signs of having a real willingness to reduce the annual deficits.(He's got 6 months left)

    View attachment 11998
  3. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    Not major disagreements, that's cool. You posted some good graphs. I think when you look out past 2012, and the deficits begin to rise again, what you are seeing is the 50 years of kicking the can down the road on SS and medicare. We have known it will blow up, and we are looking at the start of the blow up. That is not a problem of Obama's creation, it started in the 60's, the trick of spending the SS trust fund and sticking an IOU in the fund. With the baby boomers retiring and not enough new workers entering the system, it will experience net outflows, and since the money was spent already, it will add to the deficit. Medicare is 3 times bigger problem than SS. I believe healthcare reform is mandatory to deal with spending in the next decade, or we will have to devalue the dollar by printing too many of them.

    Health Care Reform

    This is actually a good balanced website. The president of the foundation is David Walker, formerly Comptroller of the Currency in Wash. DC, and a longtime critic of the structural problems of the deficit, with some pragmatic (not necessarily attractive) ideas to DEAL with it. On healthcare, he's saying we have to spend less (test less, get more efficient, spend less on "end of life" heroics, etc.) or the system will bankrupt america.
  4. LSUAthletics

    LSUAthletics Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Of course not. But even the Obama administration has projected massive deficits. (as noted in the chart I posted for Houtiger) Deficits much higher than we ever saw under Bush. I'm sure the administration has considered the possible savings you mentioned in the health care bill too.

    From what I can see the cost far out way the benefits and Obama's own deficit projections point to this. You're the big advocate of pay as we go. How are we going to pay for it?

    Who are these people you speak of? Certainly not I.

    Yes there is. The left, middle, and the right have different opinions of what that amount is.

    How could anyone disagree with you here? However, once again the left, middle, and the right have different opinions of what is overspending/undertaxing and underspending/overtaxing.

    And is being sought by all sides.

    If that's your philosophy then everyone has your philosophy.
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    this person doesnt really exist, he is an invention of those that oppose him, a straw man. even the ron paul lunatics favor some taxes and a small government, comparable to what our fouding fathers intended. they favor an adequate balance.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    So, you can reference a cost-benefit analysis of this? I'd like to see that.

    As we go. We paid for the unbelievably high cost of WWII as we went and everybody contributed though rationing, higher taxes, and buying War Bonds. As long as we keep borrowing to pay for overspending, the more it seems like funny money to the spenders. At some point the citizens must bear the costs and the sooner the better, because interest on the loans amounts to $Billions wasted.

    That is why we vote for representatives that we think will see things our way.

    But few have become One with the philosophy, Grasshoppa.
  7. LSUAthletics

    LSUAthletics Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Here's an article from the nonpartisan American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research that notes the CBO has stated none of the reforms proposed by the administration is likely to significantly cut healthcare costs

    Shooting the Messenger: CBO in the Crosshairs — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

    I'm afraid the citizens you speak of are going to be our kids and grand children. As I have stated already there's no signs that the Obama administration has a high priority to reduce the deficits. His own administration projects massive deficits for the next decade much larger than even Bush's. Yet you think we can pay for this massive health care bill as we go. How can we do this and pay down the massive debt? Let me reiterate again. Obama's administration is projecting its very own policies will result in massive deficits for the next decade. Do you not believe the administrations projections?
  8. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    No freakin' way we get that kind of self-sacrifice in the current situation. Rationing? HA!

    The way the citizens should bear the cost of fixing the budget is to stop believing the TV commercials that say you have a right to a HUGE house, a HUGE car, and healthcare - even if your GED and your part time job only makes $600 a week. And start living within their means, saving money for unexpected events, and building their wealth the old fashioned way - EARNING it!

    Spend less. Very simple. But politically untenable because we've created a large voting bloc that just cannot accept personal responsibility and feels absolutely entitled to things our forefathers fought very hard to keep as personal liberties.

  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That's what I figured. The American Enterprise Institute of Public Policy Research is in no way "non-partisan".

    Sorry, AEI is a conservative think tank that was all over Bush administration policy and is fundamentally opposed to government solutions. I don't think I'll give it a much "non-partisan" credibility.

    The budget deficit isn't all created by the health care bill and you know it. Even McCain would have had to face the huge war, bailout, and stimulus spending. Obama can't be blamed for the mess he inherited, only for his own failures and he hasn't failed yet. But he's a damn sight better placed to make the needed changes than the bunch who got us into this economic mess.

    Let me answer once again. I have not challenged the budget projections even though you seem to desperately want me to. I have stated several times that projections are not the sole basis upon which I plan to form opinions on Obama's yet-to-be-implemented plans. Is that so hard to understand?
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i am aware that you think that and that is why you refuse to admit you are atheist.

    neither do i. i dunno why you simply refuse to read the very definition you posted of what atheism is. a lack of belief, not a positive denial. it amuses me that you refuse to accept the meaning of the word because you are so afraid of the perception of being extreme.

    i also desperately hope god exists.

    i care in the same sense that i care if people go around claiming 2 plus 2 is 7. why are they lying. why are they making the world a worse place with lies?

    finally you answered the question. you are agnostic with respect to poseidon. thats great. it is also truly absurd. you apparently cant decide if there is a god of the sea blowing waves around nad chilling out with mermaids? too risky for you to not believe in that?

    yes, i am gay, i thought i told you guys. please dont make fun of me about it.

    how do you know the difference between what you describe as "mythology" and something which you are agnostic about, like christian god or poseidon? are you willing to admit you are atheist with respect to anything i invent?

    agnostic is a false position. you either have faith or you do not. do you have faith in god? no? then you are atheist, case closed.

    man you are an extremist you crazy atheist.

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