I know rabbits don't hold as well with a spot light when there's a full moon. So many opportunities here.
You all ought to quit gigging for flounders and start gigging stingarees... New Footwear Company Is Making $1,800 Sneakers Made From Genetically Engineered Stingrays Well, here’s a story sure to make the folks over at PETA foam at the mouth. Co. Design reports that shoe company Rayfish Footwear is offering brilliantly patterned custom sneakers made fromstingray skin. But instead of simply etching the wacky, colorful designs on the shagreen (that’s stingray hide) after removing the skin, a group of scientists will instead etch said designs right onto the DNA of the fish. That’s right. Scientists will genetically engineer stingrays so that you, dear consumer, can rock an über exclusive pair of kicks. You can create your own design on Rayfish footwear’s website via an online template offering 29 patterns that scientists can actually grow on your doomed stingray. Dr. Raymond Ong, head of Rayfish Footwear says:“We cannot breed any desirable shape or logo on the fishes, as our patterning process works by recording and recombining DNA of existing animals. Squares are for instance not possible, as the expression of the DNA on the skin doesn’t allow it. Also, the patterns that grow on the actual fish sometimes slightly differ from what you see in the design tool. Although it is almost perfect, we are still developing the mapping between the design tool and the DNA encoding further.” Yikes! You can choose up to nine skin combinations to build your shoe. Because they are still perfecting their methods, Rayfish Footwear is soft launching their product with a series of design contests. Log on to their siteto experiment with their design template, and enter your creations into a shoe-designing contest. Each winner will get a free pair of shoes. Rayfish Footwear is set to officially launch later this year, at which time the shoes will start at $1,800. Now, we love a good leather shoe, but there is something a little bit creepy about “growing” (their words) a sneaker. What do you think? Are these singray shoes cruel or cool? http://fashionista.com/2012/05/new-...s-made-from-genetically-engineered-stingrays/
Little to no moon, light incoming tide. That's what you want. Hurry up and find them CS...daddy hungry. Although I've been catching quite a few flounder on R&R lately. More than usual, actually. That's a good thing...
Took my son last night and we got into 'em. Also got a nice softshell crab. The lil man missed more than he gigged, otherwise we'd have had double what you see in the picture (8).
Dude, that is awesome. He'll remember trips like this for the rest of his life. The fact that you caught fish, bonus!
Yeah man. He definitely will. I couldn't tell you how many times we've been floundering and zeroed out......and he still loves it. He'll remember this one for a while.