I know I graduated so 100% in my family. I also know you're lacking. Makes you sound even more dumb if that is possible.
I translate this to mean when Cal St. kicks your ass. Hey assclown, don't the Weenies play Cal St. So that's what that almighty tulane graduation rate you boast so much has gotten you to. :thumb:
Brah, a tad higher. You're smacking your own school. By the way, I'll admit my mistake. I meant to post Texas A&M is going to put a foot in dat behind. Always can count on a LSU fan to pick up on a mistake, also to pick up garbage.
Unless I'm a med/law student (Tulane specialties along with HIGH earning prospects), why would I waste upwards of $100,000 on an education that offers nothing over a $12,000 education 80 miles down the road? Tulane offered me 1/2 to go there. I am an engineer, and while I make good money, I'd have to put my entire salary down for a year just to pay for my college education. Who here knows that isn't feasible?