Pulling for Tulane sure sounds like the right thing to do but every time I even think about pulling for them I gag and almost lose my lunch. I like Fullerton much more than Toolame and think I will be pulling for them because my heart just can't pull for those arrogant grennie wennies. :nope: :nope: :nope:
Great post. Thanks. LSU Sportsfreak has redeemed himself by using his considerable skills to attack the Greenie Peenie Weenies! I applaud you. :thumb: PS Southlink deserves a free drink in compensation for his excellent powers of observation that led to the discovery of the overt homosexual tendencies of some of the Toolame baseball players. Thanks, Southlink. I hope that you find a niche around here. Wear your battle scars with pride.
After this weekend I'll get you guys a College World Series T-shirt. Youll guys will want something after Cal Fullerton puts their foot in dat behind.
A Chimpanzee could express himself better. You must be illiterate or stupid, because your command of the English language is no better than that possessed by my Cajun Grandma who doesn't speak English.
A LSU fan criticizing someone else's command of the English language. You've got to be kidding me. :lol: :lol: What is that graduation rate again? Come on, it's okay.