Get your hip waders out boys 'n girls

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by shane0911, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Who Dat Say Dey Gonna be Gay? In he business world and in the acedemic world I really don't care whether somebody is an open pole smoker or not. If I was a Marine and had to trust my fellow Marines with my life I would respect a fellow Marine as just that. A fellow Marine. If I knew he had a queer eye for the straight guy I would be worried for my life.
  2. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    I can see someone hasn't ever showered in "open bay".
  3. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Initial reaction: Obama is quite possibly the best speech giver in the last 30 years. Better than Clinton.

    Post reaction: Very little substance. Sounded like another campaign speech. Blamed it all on Bush again as I predicted.

    He said little to re-attract the independents he's lost.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Translation= doesnt matter what he said, without action its pointless.
    Also, doesnt matter what he said, most people here wouldnt credit him for any good idea.
  5. Texas_Tiger

    Texas_Tiger Tiger Stuck in Aggie Land

    Since he hasn't produced one yet, you don't really know that to be true
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    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    thats a matter of your opinion, so I do know that to be true. And thats fine, if thats the way you feel.
  7. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    I actaully think he proposed a lot of good ideas on the campaign trail. Unfortunately 2 things happened since he was elected. None of those good ideas became reality (in essence a broken promise) and Pelosi/Reid/Emanuel changed his direction and vastly misjudged the mandate.

    I think Obama still has a chance to be a good president but he needs to stomp a mudhole in Pelosi and stamp his authority on this Presidency. He still has the political clout to do it but he better move soon before he looses anymore support. He is letting his handlers handle him and its hurt him enormously.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    like I said, it doesnt mean anything without action and thats his fault, for letting his agenda be driven by the Pelosis of the world. If you run as a middle of the road, reformer, you dont let an democrat from San Francisco shape the execution of your agenda.
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  9. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    All i know is i am earning more money and getting taxed less than any time in my life. Agreed MM, dude could cure Aids, Cancer, kill Bin Laden, and create world peace and Republicans would still be sitting on their asses saying no to everything, and dogging him.

    I am glad he said what he said about how corporations now can spend unlimited money on campaign contributions. Screw Sam Alito, little bitch.

    All in all it was just a fancy speech, lets see if there is any progression, probably won't be, there never is in Washington, more like regression. Just seemed to me like a snake charmer, charming snakes, mostly on the left, the snakes on the right just need a tune from a republican snake charmer.
  10. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    he did not blame bush. that is what kneejerk conservatives and still-angry liberals want to hear. he said what situation the country was in when he came to office and specifically mentioned several contributors to the deficit/debt--2 wars, prescription drug bill. these are equally on bush and the congress.

    i loved his calling out the scotus. he did it to rally support for new legislation to override it. i dont see any need to worry about pressure on the scotus. they are lifetime appointments. if they start dropping like flies then you should worry.

    im disappointed in his optimitic number crunching, but its expected.

    im disappointed that he didnt allocate much more to high speed rail. 30 billion is like a weeks worth of needless war.

    he called out the GOP. if they really want tort reform, here is their chance.

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