Your info was right at the time, as was mine. We just didn't know all the stipulations the big money boys had placed on the process so the narative changed as it became apparent that it was Jimbo or bust. All this time while we were talking about Herman and Kelly and other possibilities there were never any other options.
Makes perfect sense right? I mean If you're going to lock yourself in a building and set it on fire you want to make sure you limit yourself to one way out. Made perfect sense to Alleva.
I knew there were no other options from the get go. You could tell by the way they acted jimbo was locked up in their view. Thats why I believed it was all but done and trusted them to have done something right for once. in my life.
Richt would be a step up in OC, LOL. At least his offense is 90s based. He was an OC for a long time at FSU, and now a recent HC for a decade, so maybe CLM would turn over the offense to him?
That was a Smart call on your part.
So Richt gets kicked to the Kirb and Georgia is going to come out looking Smart about this? Oh the humanity.
The goose tried to lay a golden egg in Alleva's lap but he chose rotten cabbage instead. And idiot fans are lining up for some of that slaw.