I really don't. Is the presumption that Chinese manufacturing jobs are bad and scary? And why mention Walmart specifically? Because middle America shops there? Everything is made there, even the computer or phone mLU used to make that post. Is his point that the stupid Americans should stop shopping at Walmart or chik fil a?
Assuming china is terrible and scary, wouldn't the Keynesian economics of the left be the guys to call out for their borrow and spend politics that lead to borrowing from china? Isn't trade from china healthier than borrowing for obamas stimulus?
the same people that are scared of china (a group that doesnt include me) dont know/care enough not to shop at the worlds largest retailer whose business model is to exploiting cheaper labor in china. id have less contempt for them if they ever backed up their weird views.
Well, yes it does. The word marriage has been used in reference to homosexuals only in the last 20 years or so. The word has been used for heterosexual unions for about 4 millennia. All marriages should be "civil unions" in the eyes of the law. Churches can accept or deny whatever they want to, obviously.
I don't care what gay unions are called. I want the government to quit sanctioning marriage....and end tax breaks for married people...and let someone other than an officially government sanctioned wife be named as a beneficiary on health insurance plans and such. Gays saying they're married means nothing to me....but it sure does to God.
And the crux of it is this. The people for gay marraige continually beat the drum that is about the rights, but that is a lie. It is about the name. I have had gay friends tell me as much. They have told me a civil union is not an acceptable alternative.
To his point, the ability to have multiple wives would yield even better results for society, would it not?
What correlation does shopping have with the supposed fear? Would they need to stop using all Chinese made products like iPads and phones and tvs and shoes? Or just wal mart because uppity fucking faggot liberal assholes don't like wal mart?