Gay Marriage Ban in North Carolinaaa

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, May 9, 2012.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    wrong. there is a right answer, and is that it doesnt matter that gays are gay and that it is objectively true that obama claims his previous stance was based on his religion, which was wrong. thats not opinion, obama simply was wrong to use his primitive religion to analyse the issue.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    This isn't about your evangelical atheism. There is no right or wrong opinion on social topics such as this.
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Do you feel the same way about equal rights for blacks" no right or wrong? Just how deep does your insane liberal cultural relativism go?
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    You are the one denying equal rights for gays here and pronouncing it "wrong"! I don't deny rights to gay or blacks. You are sooooo confused.
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    eh? i was declaring that obama was wrong when he opposed gay marriage. you said there is no right and wrong.

    my stance on marriage is that is a silly religious ritual and that i dont care if the government is wrong about it. it is like communion. i have said this many times.

    again, i ask you, if when obama said his religion decrees that marriage is between a man and a woman, and then he changed or evolved his stance, he was wrong before, right, you are saying there is no right or wrong on social topics (which is a fucking stupid thing to say), then i am asking you, would you maintain that there is no right and wrong if had opposed marriage rights for black people?

    keep in mind that the rational basis for obama's old opinion (according to obama) was the bible. translation, obama was an idiot and was wrong. unless the bible is neither right or wrong and we are cultural relativists idiots afraid to take a stance on even the simplest rights and wrongs.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Nope. Already asked and answered.

    It's not right or wrong for you to oppose or support any issue in the USA. You have a constitutional right to be a damn fool if you wish. And you often do.

    You are simply being contrary and again imposing your personal atheist views on everyone while insisting that you and only you are right and that everyone else is stupid. Like I say, you are free to make a fool of yourself in America.
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    i dont believe in morals in the traditional sense. i am too good for them.

    i am telling you it is wrong, ,meaning irrational and stupid and mean spirited to favor various things. for example, to oppose gay marriage on religious grounds is stupid. i am right about this and there is no argument because the presidents view was based on faith. faith is not an argument. the only argument that is right is my argument, that we should endeavor to treat people equally. because thats the rational thing to do.

    we dont see these guys with the "god hates fags" signs protesting soldier funerals and say stupidly "well whooppetdy do these guys are right as rain to favor or oppose this, how wonderful!". it isnt "hey there is no right or wrong those guys are ok". thats wrong, those guys are assholes, genuinely bad people who are too stupid to believe the smarter and righter things..

    i am aware that they are legally right. please try to not be stupid for once and understand that. what those people are doing is terrible. not illegal, but wrong. same with obama when he allows his bullshit faith to guide his decisions.

    thats basically correct. i am right and everyone else is in fact stupid. its not my fault. 99% of people on earth dont have the slightest clue what they are talking about. they are swayed by stupidity, and they have faith in nonsense and for the most part they are worthless wretches. thats why obama opposed gay marriage in the first place, because he had to appeal to morons. now he believes the idiots are changing their mind so he pretends to change, and you believe him.

    obama is a demagogue who preaches things he knows to not be true to people he knows are idiots.
  8. Bud Lee

    Bud Lee Call me buttercup

    I was not trying to keep it going...just trying to figure out what exactly is gong on in here
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    You are a idiot, pure and simple, if you think that Obama's opinion on gay marriage is a direct correlation to the military funeral protesters.

    More inane idiocy. Keep it up, we are all enjoying you making a fool of yourself.

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