Yes, I took them because I'm responding to you. No, my short term memory is gone. Are you a douche bag? I don't know you but I get that feeling... I'm sure we do have gay Republicans, however, they are not as of yet coming out and admitting that they had an extramarital homosexual affair and appointed their gay lover to an office. I'm pretty sure many Republicans have been involved in sex scandals, most everyday people are. That still doesn't take away the fact that the democratic party has killed, raped and cheated on more people than the Republican party has. Learn how to spell before you run your soup coolers, ignat.
now i see the republicans are calling for this guy to immediately resign. i dont really understand it. why does he quit because he is gay and had a gay affair? who cares? i mean sure, i think being gay is disgusting, but what does that have to do with anything? you have to resign now if you are gay? who cares. i would be amused if he just said "yeah sure, i am the sickest mofo around, i am gay as anything. i am the gayest governor ever" i just dont care, and he is my governor, i live in new jersey!
From what I've seen, I think it has more to do with this. Don't know what the talk is in NJ, but this is the national spin on it:,2933,128933,00.html On Thursday, McGreevey's office contacted the FBI about alleged extortion attempts by his former lover, Golan Cipel (search), sources told FOX News. The governor's office alleged that Cipel had said he would get rid of a threatened sexual harassment lawsuit for $5 million. Cipel could not immediately be reached for comment. Cipel, an Israeli poet, was once employed in the governor's office at salary of $110,000 a year. He was a subject of controversy because although he was designated a homeland security adviser, as a foreign citizen, he could not obtain a federal security clearance. McGreevey later reassigned him to a "special counsel" position, which had no specific duties. According to a source close to the situation, the FBI already had been investigating McGreevey for alleged corruption, including allegations that he had attempted to obtain money to pay off his former lover.
oh, i see, that makes a little more sense. i need to pay attention better or read a little more. turns out there is some illegal public money extortion thing, and the gay crap is just a distraction. politics is a crazy business.
What is the deal with the date he has pick to officially resign? If he is going to resign he should do so as quick as possible, but I heard something about the date is beneficial to someone but cannot remember.
If he resigns now, there will be a special election in Nov. to replace him, which supposedly will be won by a Republican. If he stays in a while longer and there isn't an election, the Democrats can appoint someone to serve for the next year. After that, there is some Democratic senator or something up there that is leaving office who would probably run and be elected. That's what I heard the guy filling in for O'Reilly say on his radio show Friday, don't know if that's for sure, but he seemed to know what he was talking about.