We were there. It was absolutely embarrasing. When we were waiting it wasnt a riot situation, but it could have easily escilated to that. It was terrible, but I didnt see any fights (verbal or physical). All I said during the whole tailgate is that I really didnt want to miss pregame. I've missed it for the past 3 years and I really wanted to go. We get to gate 20 with 10 minutes to sparte and stand in a sea of people for 20 minutes. My huge concern was that there were three police officers who were doing NOTHING. They just stood there and looked at us. They didnt help organize the crowd, they didnt help the two people taking tickets for 500+ people, they just stood and watched. Maybe they were looking for anyone causing problems in the mass or they figured by making some kind of movement they would excite the crowd- who knows, but on our end it was terrible. I had my husband look out for three VT fans because they were three girls who came to the game by themselves. Sorry Feminists, but it's nice to have a guy around when you're in that kind of situation. Poor girls were crying and getting smashed into the wall, so we made sure they got ahead of us and got around the barracades. Just doin' my job as an unofficial LSU embassador, I guess! We were glad to help, but it was embarrasing that it had to happen that way. One good thing was that there were not a lot of typical things that happen in those crowd like situations- no fights broke out, everyone was nice to the VT fans, and the VT fans were totally understanding. One guy said "Hey, it's y'alls first game at home- these things happen". Some people around us tried to start chanting "Let us in" and other things, but I quickly reminded them that isnt going to help and that's one way to get a mob mentality going. I was soooo pleased that they stopped. So, I missed pregame:bncry: , but it was worth it to be able to help out those girls- and to explain to the VTech fans that this was the most unusual thing I'd ever seen (while getting into the stadium). Plus, my husband got to be a hero for the day- there is no living with him now! :thumb:
There ya go.Tell your man that he is a hero for helping those girls out.I couldn't see the people who were crying close to us,but if they were close enough I would have helped out all I could.Why not open the 3 flights of stairs between the escalators and the ramp?Also sorry to hear you missed pre-game,it was awesome.