I don't think Crowton is going anywhere. BUT if by some chance Crowton is run off, this program is in trouble and would show that Miles is clueless. Isn't that why Fisher left? But again, Crowton isn't going anywhere. Yep. LSU went into the I-formation several times in the second half and got overly conservative, handcuffing JJ and getting really predictable. Miles took over for the second half.
StaceyO, I'm talking about trying to run over teams in the worst formations possible. I'm all about getting the running game going, but getting in a bunch formation and running Q. Johnson up the middle on 3rd and 4 with Ole Miss putting their whole team in the box is not going to get you there. We've seen too much of that bunch formation. To me, it says, this is what we're doing and we don't believe you can stop it. Obviously, it hasn't worked. Keiland seemed to be the hot back against Arkansas, yet we barely used him and kept running Scott up the middle. I love Scott, but it wasn't his day. Trindon almost broke one for a TD, yet he got a total or 3 carries. It doesn't make sense. You should use all of your running options when you have a fast QB instead of heavily relying on certain predictable formations. Who knows if the rumor is true or not? But these are issues that need to be addressed.
I'm trying to tell you to take off the P&G glasses and look at the real world. The initials L-S-U do NOT automatically guarantee that we can attract the best names in the business.
I dont know how much influence in game to game, series by series, play calling Miles has but its safe to say that Crowton has not previously run this offense at any of his prior stops. La Tech, BYU & Oregon were 100% spread offenses. What Crowton is running here has been largely influenced by Miles and probably part of the mandate he gave Crowton when hired.
I don't want to start a HC war, but do you honestly think Miles was the best available in 2005? A mediocre Okie State coach at the time? Sure, he's worked out, but they took a hell of a chance on a nobody. Just because all of us would coach this team for free doesn't mean everyone else would coach this team for any amount of $$$.