I just can't believe they'd allow that to be printed in the school newspaper. I can't imagine the Revielle allowing anything like that to go in.
It's amazing how he can ramble on about Louisiana, and then turn around and support a team that is lead by a Quarterback that I believe was born and raised in Louisiana. I also find it strange that if Mississippi is so great why did Archie stay in Louisiana and raise his family here and not in the beloved state of Mississippi. Maybe he needs to think about his comments. Just another example of someone making a statement and showing his or her intelligence.
Is this a new thing?? Is there not an article similar to that in the LSU paper? Every year the week before the AU/UGA game there is a very similar letter in our school newspaper from a UGA writer, and one in their paper for an AU writer. I dont know why they do it, but its there every year. I think it just serves as gasoline to fuel the fires, and get everyone fired up for the game. Seems like its working. I just wondered if this was a first time thing with you guys, cause Ive read mess like that every year I was at Auburn. WAR DAMN EAGLE!! BEAT BAMA!!
I've never seen an LSU writer write anything like that. Maybe other people here have, but I don't believe the LSU paper would allow garbage like that in there.
This is typical of such a school. This does not shock me. I would think they had more class. Again I was wrong. I love when these guys go off and come late Sat night eat crow.
http://www.lsureveille.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2003/11/20/3fbc5a60a7fa1 Its OK for LSU to have their articles but if someone from OM writes something,God forbid them.Once again is it that LSU can dish it out but not take it?
I actually see a lot of truthful things in the article from LSU. Yall do hang at the grove, dress overly nice for gameday, and eat off fine china. You also chant Hotty Totty, which only you and the rest of your fans know what that is. The butt crack comment was a little off kilter, but humor does the soul good. The article from Ole Miss is nothing but name calling and b.s.
This is a shot at the ole miss football program. The stuck in the mud reference means that although you are having a good season, eli will be gone next year, and your program will be unable to move forward, as the LSU program has the past few years under Saban, and slip back into the mediocrity you suffer through every other year. I saw no inbreeding references or shots at the residents of Mississippi or ole miss fans. This is an article about the football program at ole miss. Period.