I know Carter has has an ankle injury since mid-August practices. Probably a re-occuring nagging injury that just won't quite go away.
Sorry to freak everyone out - my brain is fried from following that hurricane so closely for so many hours... All I know is that he has a sprain - not sure if it's the same ankle, same injury, I'm not sure - he probably outran the sucker... I hope we won't miss him, but I sure like that speed. Anyone miss Shyrone Carey? I couldn't really decide where he would fit with this year's squad over the summer, but with Green and Carter out I sure know exactly where I would like for him to be Saturday Night...
skyler practiced in full pads the first time yesterdat but with a red jersey. dude is playing he's just 80% thus far and if its killing him to cut they may have to pull him.