I'm interested to see how they explain the entire Winterfell plot line. From the time Jon leaves and Arya arrives. So many plot holes. Don't get me wrong, seeing Baelish get his throat cut and the pack staying together was awesome but there are so many questions that need to be answered. 1. At what point did Sansa realize what Arya was really doing? 2. How does Arya know that the dagger was LF's without Bran telling them? I presume it happened off screen. 3. No way this was a plot by the sisters the whole time. It wouldn't make sense for them to have Sansa break into Arya's room, or Sansa be disgusted by what she sees Arya do vs Brienne, or speak to Arya the way she did, or for Arya to speak to her the way she did. Are we supposed to believe all of that was orchestrated because Littlefinger was spying on them every waking moment? 4. You can't tell me Sansa made up her mind right before she called for her sister to be brought to the hall either because Arya was armed and Bran was there, dead giveaway regarding what was about to transpire. 5. Did Sansa meet with Lord Royce to explain her intentions and why she lied to him at the Vale? He would have believed anything she would have said, he hated Baelish and he knew Lysa was insane. Don't get me wrong, loved the scene, loved seeing Arya cut his throat, loved seeing Sansa make him realize she was playing him to find out his intentions with the "little game" love that she also said that he did the same thing to their mother and her sister, loved that she pointed out that he had Lysa poison Jon Arryn, send the letter to the Starks saying the Lannisters did it, and (although it's Joff in the books) sent the assassin with his dagger to kill Bran. (Something Arya wouldn't have known unless there was an offscreen meeting with Bran) And then Bran telling him calmly, you held a knife to his throat, you said I told you not to trust me. That fucker knew it was coming after that. The only 2 things that would have made that scene (not the events leading up to it, that's all left to speculation ) better would have been if Ghost was sitting between Bran and Sansa, and Sansa telling LF, "In the name of the King in the North, Jon Snow, I Sansa of House Stark find you guilty of treason, murder, sedition, conspiracy, and sentence you to die......Arya..." slice....
Yeah but people thought he needed to be the queenslayer to bookend his claim to fame. But I want Arya to finish her list. And I'll bet the Iron Bank puts their money on a faceless man hit instead of Cercei. They don't think that Lannister will pay her debt. See if Jaqen shows up to put hius protege back to work.
Cersei will realize the only way to defeat her enemies is to ally herself with the most powerful ally she can. Who could that be? What if she decides she wants to defeat her enemies and in a cruel twist of fate make them part of her army as well. Join the Night King, become the Night Queen, and rule Westeros forvever. That's crackpot
I haven't watched a second of GOT but this might be of interest to all you nerds. T-Bob Hebert broke down the upcoming game using a different voice and in a Game of Thrones style. Lord Orgeron and his army have to defeat the invaders in order to prepare for the apocalyptic battle with the evil Crimson Empire. That's the only way Lord Orgeron can ascend to the Pigskin Throne. Was on 104.5 ESPN. Ypu can probably find it in a podcast on their website.
With the reveal that Jon is actually the legitimate son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, it gives a whole new meaning to ice and fire. It used to mean him hooking up with Danerys, her being fire, him being ice. But, he's actually both all by himself, being raised in the North (ice) and being a legitimate son of the Targaryen blood line (fire) and true heir to the Iron Throne. Does this pretty much cement him being the prince that was promised or is that still up in the air?
It's actually all of the above and more. Living and dead, dragons and wolves, white walkers and dragons, great Other and R'hlor, Jon and Dany, Rhaegar and Lyanna, and just simply Jon, or their child, make no mistake Dany will be pregnant. Maybe he is but maybe his child is.
Anybody besides me want Serio to make a return ? You know what he told the go d of death. There were swords all over the floor that day, you telling me he couldn't snatch one to put that c#nt down ?