....but I don't want Dany to die... My money's on the hound. what about these two?... and reeking Theon?
I was talking more end game for Dany...not next episode. Based on what we have seen from the trailer for the next episode, Dany may not be present in the Dragon Pits.
Have a miscarriage and piss Jaime off when she reveals she will not live up to her end of the bargain made in the dragon pit. Which will piss off Jaime and he will leave Kings Landing and head north. And don't worry Dany will have to have kids before she dies, they had way too much talk of succession last night and her not being able to have kids and Longclaw going to Jon's kids for this not to happen.
Not sure but I assume test the pride of everyone and with Jon there biting his tongue. Dany asked Tyrian about what tricks do they have up their sleeves to counter the Cersie tricks. As for Jamie, if he takes a hiatus I suspect a short one so he can kill Cersei and finish his rebirth.
very disappointed with the ease of killing the dragon. Obviously one was going to die but it could have been in a bit more glory. ice man could have still been made out to be the bad azz but still give the dragon a better send off.
Does anyone ever watch the videos on how certain scenes are done? I was just watching one on how the scene in ep6 was made when the wights attacked them on the frozen lake with. It's incredible the amount of work and money goes into creating just one scene. It's crazy.
How is the ice dragon supposed to breathe any type of fire or ice when his glands were obviously punctured and half of his side was burned out?
Yea it is crazy...We need to remember that when we bitch about the long drought between this and next season. Check out the one from Episode 4 if you haven't already.