Yeah, It sux. And you're right, it's like when they killed off the wolves. I would have hoped after Drogon got winged, she would have had some armor fastened for them. Helluva shot by the NK. Is there anything homeboy can't do?
Damn, dragon down,.. knew it was coming, but damn. I Thought Tormund was a goner. Jon riding the horse back to the wall,.. pfft, please,.. should've just had him fly back with the others,.. guess the producers wanted the sappy drama, of Dany seeing him ride in from atop the wall. I've waited long enough, it's time to see her naked again. I don't really see where much of the season finale is headed.
Dragon dying was the worst part. RIP Visceryon. I didn't expect so many of them to make it out though. The only major character that died was Thoros. I fully expected Beric to die as well, but nope. They sure put a lot of emphasis on Dany's successor last night and her inability to have children. This makes me think 1 of 2 things. Either she will die and name Jon her successor, or the only way for her to be impregnated is through the blood of the dragon which Jon has and they will have sex before this season is over.
Also any book readers here? In the behind the scenes thing at the end Benihoff and Weiss said Benjen was Coldhands over and over. Which was everyone's theory but it was never actually stated until last night.
Why so?.. I kinda think at some point Dany will ride Rhaegal, while Jon rides Drogon. One could die after that I suppose.
I would think Jon would ride the dragon named after his father, Rheagar...but he could end up on both if and when Dany dies. (I assume she breaks the wheel in her own sense and before going completely Mad she sacrifices herself to save others). Cleagan Bowl coming in the dragon pits? !!!!