Gwendolyn Christie seems to think Bran will take the Iron Throne or already is on the Iron Throne and all of this is just fleeting memory.
Next episode is 71 minutes and the the longest in GOT history and the finale after that is 81 minutes. I for one do not think the Night's King dies at the end. We have a theme of circles going on since season one and it is getting more pronounced as of late. Everything is coming full circle and we can see it with many characters. The lead Maestor at the Citadel had a speech about all the times everyone thought it was going to be the end of the world and we are still here. Think we see the Prince that was promised and the Nights King come to some form of peace. Anyone think Bran could be the Nights King? I suspect he is and has been many different people over time. One could be Bran the Builder. I have more theories on this but don't want to go full dork mode.
I agree with LaSalle. I love hearing different theories. I saw a youtube video the other day that said they though the Night King was really the Prince that was Promised. It was 'out there' and I disagree with it, but still an interesting theory.
We know Bran witnessed the scene where the Nights King was created by the Children of the Forest. My theory is that he tries to go back and warg into the First Man before he was turned but fails and losses himself as he was warned about by the Three Eyes Raven. I think Bran has tried to do many things over the time and through different people to ward off the Nights King and Army of the Dead. Building the Wall as Bran the Builder is a possibly one of those attempts. But he will fail to break the wheel just as I suspect Dany will fail at doing and while trying he seals his own fate of becoming the Nights King. The Ink is Dry... We have seen theories that the Mad King was hearing voices and went crazy. This could of been another failed attempt by Bran while warning the Mad King and telling him to stockpile Wildfire to use on the White Walkers. We also see imagery of Bran matching the creating of the Nights King when Bran was up against the wall in the Weirwood tree. We also see Bran have a physical reaction when he saw the Nights King created. We see Leaf say we needed to protect ourselves from "you", the First Men. We are seeing Bran already losing himself as Meera confirms the last time they spoke. If this is true then we could see Jon Snow vs Bran shortly.
I don't think Bran is the Prince that was promised either. Just doesn't seem to answer many questions we still have.