He said that to Varys a while back during one of their awesome one on one rap battles when they both were in Kings Landing. Littlefinger likes the chaos. All the better to implement his schemes and rise to the top.
I agree that Jon had a play in it too but Tyrion was really against her going to King's Landing first and foremost. I don't think anyone of them agreed her riding her dragon to attack anyone was in her best interest.
I think all of Dany's company has a chance to betray her because as we are seeing she is going to do things her way and the more she strays away the madness could start to creep in. They are all starting to see it. She has been warned about this by Sir Barriston and others. However, a surprise betrayal could be coming from Missande. Go watch the conversation she had with Davos where he was asking where she is from. Something is up with that. Maybe we see Grey Worm having to make a choice between love of his Queen and his scissoring partner. Arya did go through some hard core sword training before and after she was blinded. But I would not rule out that Syrrio could be a faceless man and possibly Hegar but I am leaning to them not being the same person but maybe a connection. Some of the moves were exactly what she did against the apprentice of the faceless man in training.
Bron always said that Armor makes you heavy and slow. He will save him again I assume since he isn't weighed down by armor and a gold hand.
I think she ultimately followed Jon's advice. It was in line with what Tyrion advised, but Jon said don't attack castles or cities. Fuck, attack an army with dragons. That is fair on the battle field. I think he suggested as much without saying so. Jon Snow knows something now.
Leaning toward escape but may not be right away. Maybe Tyrian returns the favor and helps them escape.