Come on, not you too? I am sick and tired ALREADY of hearing about this from local and national media. As stated in post above, the upstairs guys blew another call that would certainly have helped Texas. Why does everybody forget this one? The call everybody complains about would have only had Texas first and goal around the 7 yard line instead of already having a TD. Chances are they would have scored anyway, but who knows. The other call almost certainly would have prevented SC from scoring the field goal at the end of the half, and with 2 minutes left, may have even allowed TX to score again. I really do not understand the whining about the knee down call. It's as if people want to say TX only won because of that bad call. Give me a break!
yea, right. The missed call will certainly give UCS a lot to talk about, but mistakes by officials are part of the game, unfortuneately. In the end, the determining factor will be the score board. UT won, bad call and all. It is no 3-peat. In fact, even if USC had won it would not have been a 3-peat.
EVERY game ever played is tainted in one way or another. "If we did this, this wouldn't have happened." "If this happened we would have done this." That's why you play the whole game a can't hit the reset button when you ef up.
Uh, okay, but the "Bush Push" in the ND-USC game makes that game every single bit as tainted...if not more tainted, as that was the winning score whereas the VY knee is down play was not.
definitely more tainted. It undoubtedly changed the outcome of the game. The kneel was inconsequential to the outcome.
You will all be happy to know that the refs doing that game were the same team of refs that did the PSU/Michigan game and the Michigan/Iowa game this year.... the same group that were "sat out" the week following the Iowa game by the Big Ten. How they were "rewarded" with doing the Rose Bowl is beyond me... way beyond me.