Gallup: More Americans “Pro-Life” Than “Pro-Choice”

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by saltyone, May 15, 2009.

  1. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    This has nothing to do with religous views, and you know that. I hold that a fetus is a person and is entitled to the same rights as any other person, among those is not being murdered. Until someone can demonstrate to me how a fetuis is not a person I will hold the belief that abortion is legalized murder.

    This is not about religious ideals. It is about personal liberty, and the liberties of the unborn are violated with every abortion. I am all for civil liberties, but my liberties end where they impact another person. Abortion results in the death of an innocent person.

    Those are aspects of the philosopical notion of personhood, not the scientific definition of life. From a strictly scientific perspective was is not alive about the fetus from the moment of conception?

    When I showed my 19 month old son some 8 week ultrasound pictures of his little brother/ sister to be and asked him what was in the picture he said "baby." He gave me that reply without prompt. He saw it on his own. He is smarter than most liberals already.
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  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It has everything to do with religious views! There is no reason for you to care about someone else's medical decisions except that it violates your religious beliefs. This is a personal and family choice between a woman and her doctors and pastors. The government, the Catholic Church, and you have no business in it.

    Good for you. I hold that an embryo is part of a person and that person has all the rights until viability. Then you may bestow it human rights, if you wish.

    Why do you bestow no rights upon the mother?

    Then STOP interfering in a mothers legal choice.

    You asked the difference between an embryo and an infant, so I told you. Look up the definitions if you don't understand them. There is a difference between personhood and "life". A friggin' carrot in the ground has "life"!
  3. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    i am not religious, and i dont believe there is a god or spirit or soul....

    i am anti-abortion because i believe life is special and should be protected, and that a zygote is life.
  4. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    If any of that were true there would be no pro-life atheists. There are many.

    That is all well and good, but is wholly without any scientific merit.

    This is silly. The mother has all the rights everyone else does. Her not being able to kill her baby does not infringe on any of her liberties.

    The mother can choose to whatever she likes to her own body. It is what she chooses to do to the baby that I object to.

    Once we start assigning varying degrees of personhood to people we start down a very slippary slope. I can see why pro-abortionists and pro-euthanasia folks want to do this... because their ideas that a person is not a person when it lacks certain arbitrary traits is folly. This line of thinking allowed the starvation of Teri Schiavo. To me it is dangerous for all of us.

    If we cannot agree on when life begins or when personhood is obtained why whould we not err on the conservative side and say when there is unique DNA there is a person.
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    What your baby looks like -- 8 Weeks | BabyCenter

    up until 8 weeks, its not even a fetus, its an embryo. At 8 weeks, on average a fetus is about the size of a lima bean. there is alot of development in week 8, brain development, and also the tail is lost, and wrists begin to bend, eyes and mouth begin to form.

    a fetus at 8 weeks is an organism. is it a human being yet, i dont think so but thats only a matter of opinion.

    i believe there are alternatives to abortion, like adoption, but, if it comes down to a fetus or the mother's life, then thats a no brainer, also if a woman is raped, thats a no brainer. but it still should be a woman's right to choose depending on what stage of the pregnancy she is in. Government should not be involved in this matter.
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  6. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    We can agree to disagree here, but if it is an organisim there is only one type of orgaisim it can be. It has to be protected.

    The cases where an abortion is medially necessary to save a mother to be's life are nearly non-existent. As it stands less than 3% of abortions are for mother's health issues, and many of those issues can be corrected without the abortion. To me this is such a rare instance that it is not worth accepting abortion over.

    But don't take my word for it. Former Surgeon General C Everet Koop said

    I disagree that it is a no brainer. Why should the innocent baby be punished for the deed of another.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    As was your own statement. Our beliefs are our beliefs.

    We can never make progress as long as you keep thinking that a fertilized cell is a baby.


    What baby?

    Republicans learned nothing from Terry Schiavo. They fought for Government intervention when the American people clearly believed that this was a family and personal decision.

    That position gives you everything and the other side nothing. It's a non-starter.

    If we can agree that no fetus has ever survived outside the mother's womb under 22 weeks and most survive only after 24, then why not err on the conservative side and say that no abortions are permitted after 12 weeks. That would give us . . . Roe.v Wade, a compromise that has stood for 40 years.

    On an issue with no consensus, a compromise is all that works. But you are not really interested in compromise, are you. Political and social factions can make compromises, but religious factions never can.
  8. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    for the same reason that the innocent woman will have to suffer for the rest of her life due to this p.o.s. that committed the rape.

    think of this, here is my problem with the whole abortion issue. If it were me, or my wife, and we couldnt afford the kid, we would find a way, abortion to us, is not an option, unless there is any chance of my wife not surviving the birth. Adoption is a good alternative, but it has its flaws as well. The thing that i like about this president in his campaign he talked about education and abstinence as a solution, and i think he was on the money with this one, birth control, etc etc. (if he follows up on it is another issue) I just dont think its any of my business to tell someone if they can or cannot abort their pregnancy to a certain point. If the woman is a couple of months pregnant then i dont think abortion should be an option. But 8 weeks, yes its an organism, but so is an amoeba. And it may never be an option to my wife and myself, but its none of my business if its someone else trying to make this decision. i think this is a personal issue, not a social one.
  9. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    No. Mine is based entirely on science. DNA different thant the mother's makes the zygote not part of the mother, but another being living inside the mother.

    It isn't my fault you cannot put forth an argument that convinces me otherwise.

    The one with its own DNA, that maintains its own homeostasis, that consumes and expends energy, that carries out metabolic processes, responds to stimuli, adapts, and reproduces. You know, that one that demonstrates all the text book characteristics of life.

    That was a case where the American people were very very wrong. Turning off a ventilator is very different than starving someone to death.

    Good. There shouldn't be a debate.

    I don't connect these issues. A fetus lives in a womb because that is where it supposed to live. Saying something is more worthy of rights based on the environment it is capable of living doesn't seems pretty science fictiony to me.

    No. I am not interested in a compromise that allows babies to be murdered. I think I have made that clear

    You keep trying to tie religion to my opinion, but the two are independent. If the leader of my church came out and said abortion were morally ok I would remain opposed to abortion.

    I will readily admit that I am not a very smart person, but 100% of the time I am an expert on my opinion, and in this case religion has nothing to do with it.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Every cell in a woman's boy is alive. I've already demonstrated that it possesses none of the characteristics of an independent human being.

    True, you don't represent the majority view.

    You can possibly be that naive.


    Right. You and your religion are both on a righteous mission to preserve the sacredness of human life. :rolleye33:

    A total coincidence.

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